Poetry is an extension of my thoughts...a living breathing narcissist thing
Member Since: 1 year ago

•MY PENANCE• I was a Little girl Smiling and laughing innocently at the world's charm Everything is rose coloured here. No one gets to ask you questions. Uncle Junior has called you into his room. It is dark and clammy in here. He doesn't need to hold your mouth to shut your cries. The gloom in here has choked back your life. He forces in tissues. Futile attempt to dry the blood of your tears. Limping out. Hushed. Everything is rain faded here, the beginning of the end is etched like trib...

In my nightmares A faceless person opens me up With knife wounds and lets out the impurity in my soul. While I pen poetry, nude in my bathtub a ghost shatters my window with a thousand guns. Littering bullet shells on my doorpost. I'm afraid. A faceless person lurks at my door bounds, one with the night. Wearing acrid shadows. The darkness is most heavy at the back of my tongue. a ghost holds me.... I'm afra- #poetry #mental...