Chinwendu Chime
#PoetryCreator A writer and a poet
-Everything Love, Melancholy and Hope💌
Member Since: 1 year ago

The lingering taste of warm achicha as it dissolves in my mouth has been a confession I have left unfinished. Food is almost ready and my mother calls me to have a taste of it. Few steps away from the kitchen and my nostrils are fully engaged in a mission to empty the pot before food is served. The rhyming sensation and colour of rich palm oil and akpaka lit up my facial expression as I arrived at the kitchen. "Nne taste it and tell me if I should add anything, ''she said. As greedy as I could ...

There is that fear to be someone relevant To be something promising I was eleven when I first heard that being a woman is promising It's all women get to talk about The never-ending talk about blood and bodies–shape, skin, sizes Finding the one and being belittled To make no room for more dreams. Being a child is promising but feeling like one isn't I remember being five and wanting to be sixteen I remember being twenty and wanting to be five again. There are no cups to pour wine i...

Once a prodigal child Once lost but now found In my father's house, there are many rooms. I cannot be homeless. I cannot be lost. He knew me before I was born, even before the thought of conception, he carried me in his mind. He thought of me day and night and crafted me to his liking. His words are the foundation of the world For that alone affliction knows me not. Do you even understand? My father made the world out of words from his mouth and then he made me in his image and likeness. He...

I run away from love because it's too heavy for my lips to carry and too light for my hands to hold. I have watched those I love grief over love that was lost to death. I have watched them, lay naked like petals with no sepal at the end of a bridge, hanging on to ridges while being desperate for death. I have met death on that same bridge and he offered me a flower instead and sent me back home. There was no love lost, just grief hiding in places love once was. I wasn't running away from love be...

And life blinks an eye to sleep, and death occurs. How do you want to be remembered? How do you choose to spend the remaining days of your life ? How well will you throw fear aside and live If it requires you to save a soul from dying What if that soul was yours too What will you do to save yourself? -wendu_diseño Chinwendu Chime #nirclepoetry #poetrywriting #poetry #poetrycreator #death #life

God's love He choose to create me And made me a body just like his And gave me his breath to live He would have made me anything But he made me just like him –God's love for man is evident in his creation. -wendu_diseño Chinwendu Chime #Poetrycreator #poetry #God'slove #Creation #breath #poet #nirclepoetry #explore

Why do I have to give up on the things I love Because money sustains our lives I am at sea with my emotions In an escalating wave of mirrored sad The letters in glass bottle never arrived shore I might as well drown myself in search of answers. Did the waves deny the current access to my homeland? Why did my letters never arrive? -wendu_diseño Chinwendu Chime #poetry #nirclepoetry #sadpoetry...

Be patient with yourself, Be patient with God Because time is just a conjuring of the mind. You are not far behind, You're not stranded You're standing in the line of your purpose. I know you don't understand and even if you did, You would surely take the easy part. You're worth the crafting. Be patient with yourself. -wendu_diseño Chinwendu Chime #poetry #poetrycreator #nirclepoetry #art #pa...

Look what happens when you cage a bird They sing their lungs out and flap their wings tirelessly until they succumb to their new environment or die from tiredness. We are all the same, I mean humans and their perishing desires to be in control, to have it all figured out once we arrive. To find our passion once we get to a place of growth, to follow our dreams in a hasty manner, to swindle time on a bedrock of mountains. What pleasures are there in a spiral run when life is to be experienced not...

The truth is, every moment of our lives We show evidence of God I am a living vessel of God's love for I carry his breath in my lungs And in every exhale I speak his name In every disposition, he realigns me like the structure of my cells Every movement of my body is a song to his praise Every word from my mouth sprout seeds from the ground Do you know what you carry? Do you know how equipped he made you? You have been given all the power in this universe To overcome every adverse You'r...