Reubendaniel Joy
I have one desire and that is that life would flow so smoothly like story telling....
Member Since: 1 year ago

Ladies let's change our approach to life
Every woman needs to understand that the same ability that makes men successful is what they have which is the human brain the only difference is in the thought pattern. Men think longevity women think of the now which could answer the question of how a lady will spend all her earnings on makeup, hairs ,and clothes and have nothing in her bank account , because she doesn't think of the future she needs and even when she thinks of the future, somehow, she makes herself believe someone will take ...

Own up to responsibility
It's high time you take it off your mind that someone will take care of you. Take off that mindset that makes you relaxed and not fighting to build your future, who told you that you need someone to take care of your needs. To continue reading this Wonderful piece please click on the link below. Sponsored by My Nircle Family #Nirclestories #Nircleblog #Nirclecommunity #Writinginprogress #HelloNircle #ReadmyNircleblogstory #Nircleblogpost #Blog

Making a difference
When you meet a lady in business, a lady that has a skill, or a lady that is works. most times they don't think or they they don't have a long term goal unlike men who don't just plan for the now but puts their future in their plans and budget. Could this be because men were raised to take responsibility of their life while women were raised with the mindset that they should depend on someone 👇👇 To continue reading click on the link below Sponsored by My Nircle Family . #Nirclestorie...

Following the light within
Every woman is born with unique abilities all we need to do is to believe we can be great Even as a woman, once we accept this fact it becomes easy to rise.. Greatness is Achievable To continue reading click on the link below 👇 #Nircle #writinginprogress #Nirclestories #Nirclecommunity #Nircleblog #HelloNircle #Nircleblogpost #Blog

The need to sensitize women
This is so bad, I have seen ladies who can do anything just to get a man and keep a man. No matter how people want to shy away from the truth, it still remains that not every lady will marry. The earlier we start teaching ladies this the easier it becomes to curb the menace " just getting married" is causing in the society . #Nircle #writinginprogress #Nirclestories #Nirclecommunity #Nircleblog # ReadmyNircleblogstory #HelloNircle #Nircleblogpost #Blog

Shared vision
One of the things I noticed is that people tend to be drawn to another man or woman once they are established. To continue reading click on the link below. #Nirclestories #Nircleblog #Nirclecommunity #Writinginprogress #HelloNircle #ReadmyNircleblogstory #Nircleblogpost #Blog

is it okay for a woman to propose to a man?
it could be okay depending on the people involved. right and wrong is dependent on several factors, culture, perception, peoples rules and regulations, etc. but, to us African it is part of our culture to be wooed by a man and not the other way round. so, as a Nigerian woman I would say it is not okay for a woman to propose to a man because the society views it as being wrong.

can a successful woman be submissive?
I met a woman whose daughter wanted to get a car and she disagreed because she says men do not like getting married to an established woman. What is the connection between submission in marriage and a woman being established? If you really want to know just click on the link below 👇 #Nirclestories #writinginprogress #discovermyNirclepost #helloNircle #Readmyblogpost #blog #Nircleblog #Nircleblogpost

The woman and her purpose.
When I see how women pray to get married to a rich man i understand how much mis-information has affected our ladies. Who says a lady can't be rich and successful? To continue reading this beautiful write up click on the link below. Like, comment and share.

why always men?
When you see the way people lash out on men on the issue of infidelity you will think men are devil but women are saint. But one question I would always ask people is who do men cheat with? To continue reading this amazing write-up, click on the link below. #Nirclestories #writinginprogress #Nirclecommunity #Blog #Blogpost #Nircleblog #HelloNircle #discovermyblogpost #readmyNircleblogpost

Who should be blamed?
When I look at what our girls are becoming it brings tears to my eyes. But,we need to understand that people are shaped by the information they receive. So, in a real sense, we should not start passing blames rather we should sensitize ladies on living with a better perception To continue reading this educating write-up, Click on the link below. #Nirclestories #writinginprogress #Nirclecommunity #Blog #blogpost #Nicrleblog #HelloNircle #discovermyblogpost #readmyNircleblogpost

power corrupts
what happened between the woman and Pastor Paul clearly shows that there is this tendency in human to treat people below them with contempt . #forumgames #NircleForum

I titled it: The independent woman
It's high time we ladies stop seeing relationship as a means of survival, relationship primarily should be for companionship, value addition ,and of course love… To continue reading below… don't forget to like, comment and share photo source: My Beautiful Son #Poetry #nirclestories #writinginprogress #Nircleblog #Nirclecommunity #hellonircle #ReadmyNircleblog #Nircleblogpost #Nircleblog #blog

Why do ladies date someone they can't proudly settle down with?
I have always wondered what is wrong with some ladies. I have had discussions with several ladies in a relationship and 75% of these ladies when asked if they can settle down with who they are in relationship with would always say no. To continue to read this amazing piece of writing that will change your life. Click below; don't forget to like, comment and share #Poetry #nirclestories #writinginprogress #Nircleblog #Nirclecommunity #hellonircle #ReadmyNircleblog #Nircleblogpost #Nirc...

Introducing my Nircle Podcast Challenge
I am Reubendaniel Nnenna Joy, a speaker and the host of the program "The purpose driven lady" It's an honor to have this privilege granted to me by Nircle to host a podcast on this platform. Thank you Nircle, for giving me the platform to do what I have always desired to do. My podcast show is titled " THE IDEAL WOMAN" the theme is centered on enlightening women to becoming the best version of themselves. This podcast is aimed at challenging women into growth and development. I have seen a lo...

A woman deserves better.
Ella wakes up every morning with the thought of not ending like her mother. Mrs Esther, Ella's mum was a woman every one admired and wished to be like, she is Married to Philip the C.E.O of Andrews Fashion, a fashion designing company that has branches all over the States. Mr Andrew was well known and so influential. Everyone sees Mrs Esther as the lucky woman little do they know that Mrs Esther was wishing to be single again. Ella grew up to see her father treat her mum like a slave, he yells ...

My experience yesterday with a particular man in my neighborhood made me pick up my pen this morning. I came out of the house around 12:45pm to pickup something in the street only to see a baby of around four to five months left under the sun with her hands and legs tied up and a man seated watching the baby cry. I met two women talking with the man, begging him to take the baby inside but the man was insisting that the baby stays under the sun. His reasons are " the baby cries a lot and the mo...

Amanda was busy completing her note in the class when a folded piece landed on her head. In anger she turned and gazed steadily to know who threw it at her. Every face she saw looked suspicious. She decided to let that one slide. Before She turned, in a second, another rolled paper hit her again. This time, she would not be letting go as she screamed “who threw this on me” raising up the rolled paper for the all to see. Everyone pretended to mind their business and faded her question . S...

A man can go hungry just to pay and learn a skill, attend a life transforming seminar or go through a training. A man can live with a pair of trousers and three shirts just to invest in his dream. Could it be because men were raised from childhood to secure their future and women were raised to prepare themselves for marriage… What you think about this? Read up the post to get the full gist And Don’t forget to leave your comment below. #nirclestories #writinginprogress #Nircleblog #N...

Read this Unveiled Truth about Life.
Yesterday my mouth was wide opened as I looked at the photo below... This our Man of God has proven beyond doubt to ladies that in life there's something called CLASS. To continue to read to interesting write-up Click below #nirclestories #writinginprogress #Nircleblog #Nirclecommunity #hellonircle #ReadmyNircleblog

My experience yesterday with a particular man in my neighborhood made me pick up my pen this morning. I came out of the house around 12:45pm to pickup something in the street only to see a baby of around four to five months left under the sun with her hands and legs tied up and a man seated watching the baby cry. I met two women talking with the man, begging him to take the baby inside but the man was insisting that the baby stays under the sun. His reasons are " the baby cries a lot and the mo...

What do women mean when they say they can't settle down with a struggling guy? I heard a lady say that the reason she will not marry a guy who is still in his formative stage is because she deserves" a better life" she said, she and her family has suffered enough that she wouldn't want to continue suffering hence,she needs a guy that will end her suffering and not someone she would continue the suffering with all in the name of building together. To continue reading, click on the link below…...

Being a woman in Africa is worth celebrating. Literally, everything seems to be unfair to an Average African woman. Religion calls her the weaker vessel, tells her she is born for a man and subject to her man. To continue… click below #nirclestories #writinginprogress #Nircleblog #Nirclecommunity #hellonircle #ReadmyNircleblog

I do not know when ladies will realize that in life there is something called "CLASS" and no matter how they want to shy away from it, the truth still remains that people marry their class. To continue reading, just click... #Poetry #writinginprogress #Nircleblog #Nirclecommunity #hellonircle #ReadmyNircleblog

another mind blowing piece
I have been thinking on the best way to educate ladies on marriage and choosing a life partner. Here, this is what I found! This is a masterpiece that will enlighten every ladies out there to make a difference. What are you waiting for? Click and read, like, comment and don’t forget to share. #nirclestories #writinginprogress #Nircleblog #Nirclecommunity #hellonircle #ReadmyNircleblog

My letter to the Girl Child
Please Read my letter to the girl child Every ladies/young woman out there should read it. Like, comment and share #nirclestories #writinginprogress #Nircleblog #nirclecreativediscovery #Nirclecommunity #hellonircle #ReadmyNircleblog

I titled it “All in the name of Marriage”
Hello Fam This is my blog challenge post You won’t believe what I dished out for y’all. Check out! This is an interesting piece, you’ve never seen before. You will love it Don’t forget to like, comment and share #Poetry #Nircleblog #nirclecreativediscovery #Nirclecommunity #hellonircle #ReadmyNircleblog #Discovermynircleblogpost

A sweet message to MY MINE MINE
My love, let's walk down the memories lane a bit. On the day you woo me in your knight shinning armour. The teasing and laughing keep replaying in my mind like an endless series. You are the brightest soul I've met, irrespective of your scars. You are more than a life partner, something like a best friend that I get to call “MY MAN”. indeed, our love bloom in unexpected places and faces as you made my heart discover esprit and purpose. Now, we're the rivers of the each other. And whenever w...

my first blog post
hello fam. I just released my first blog post. It is an interesting piece, which will bless your lives. Click on the link. don't Forget to like and comment #hellonircle #blog #myfirstnircleblog #nirclecreativediscovery #nirclestories #writinginprogress

Welcome to my Nircle blog
I blog on Women Empowerment, I challenge and enlighten women to becoming the best in every field of life. Here is the link to #NirclecreativeDiscovery #ReadMyNircleBlog #ReadMyFirstNircleblog

To the girl child.... You are unique,and trapped in you are a lot of potentials yet untouched. Yes the society, family, people makes it look like you don't have much to give other than make a wife,but that's a lie, When God made man,he made them male and female,and the Dominion he gave to man,was to the male and female,so,God expects you to be productive,to dominate your world,to rule,to become a voice in your time, Don't let down your dreams and aspiration for what the society tags important...