Jatau Lumumba
Creative writer (Novelist, Poet, Playwright) and Lyricist. My mind is a. cyclone of thoughts that brews a Hurricane of activities.
Member Since: 3 months ago

Hip Hop turns me on
I"'m still fresh like nothing new under the sun wanna be celibate but Hip Hop turns me on

I have journeyed this far Sperm cells to zygote Loaded with dreams of life Before the stabbed knife. Days of fetus incubation To emerge an elite fertilization Escaped deeds of contraception Survived bullets of abortion. A beginning. of beginnings A starting of happenings Ending before commencement Struggled hard to get here Only to get this far nowhere Efforts all summoned in vain Innocence shackled in pain. What did I do, To deserve such cruelty? What did I do, To witness endless br...

Not one, Not two The sun and its light The ocean and the wave The singer and his song The rain and its wetness The tree and the fruit The air and it's breeze The night and the darkness Not ONE, Not TWO #nirclestories #officialnircle #nirclefeeds #storyteller #mynirclecommunity #nircleblogs #nirclepoetry

The glue that mends broken hearts The substance that quenches thirsty souls The light that glimmers in darkness The flame in the fire The liquid in the water The glow in the sunshine I give energy to the weak I give strength to the fragile I give sight to the blind I give utterance to the dumb I give hearing to the deaf My language is universal I speak to plants I speak to animals My touch is infinite My affection Is contagious I am medicine for healing I am the reason behind laughter ...

Through Love all that is bitter Will be Sweet Through Love all that is copper Will be Gold Through Love all dregs Will become Wine Through Love all pain Will turn to Medicine. #nirclestories #hellonircle #mynirclefeeds #nirclepoetry #mynirclecommunity #officialnircle #nircleblogs

Every moment is becoming past Mingling with times and history Bygones be bygones, past is past Words slipping from lips can't come back Deep down in yourself, a feeling of remorse, repulsion, regrets Of acts disapproved and shunned To beginning of a change in you. A new experience fresh breath A new life, a new lease A change of mind, a change of heart. A new discovery for better living A new learning, a new growing An expansion of vision, a new light A glow within, a new consciousness Ev...

O, long-awaited Truth! Descent from heaven above And shower on me thy mercy and thy love My failings have stamped on me their black mark; Please light up my conscience, gloomy and dark. Self-pity has enveloped my whole being And blinded my eyes, preventing me from seeing The path of growth and in others, belief From my shortcomings help me find relief. Whenever my anger roars and thunders It makes me commit all sorts of blunders! It crumbles my will to do good deeds Makes me look smal...

Isn't simplicity Divinity profound? In it is sincerity found. Shinning Truth radiates its glory; Its lustrous light tells its own story. It admits not an iota of lie, It let's not calmness ever die It gives tranquillity it's due, And patience is its main virtue. Profound it is in goodness And quick In Its forgiveness Steady and straight is its path It's thoughts, in purity take a bath. All promises made, it helps up, with knowledge, it fills it's cup Simplicity is humble and modest But...

A Phoenix rises from ashes cold A fiery spirit, young and bold She shakes off slumber, stretches wide dance on the winds of time. Her wings, a canvas of promise bright Reflecting hues of dawn's early light She soars on eagle wings, untamed Leaving the shadow of yesterday's flame. With every beat, a new path is made A journey through the uncharted shade The Phoenix sings, a melodic sigh As petals of hope bloom, and the heart gets In this symbolic dance, we're free to roam Embracing t...

Yesterday, I thought I was smart until I lost my cool Over a fleeting argument, I acted like a fool Cursing and yelling at the peak of my voice Belligerent in manner and tone like I didn't have any choice. Yesterday, I allowed depression to pitch its tent in my soul The steering wheel of emotions, I couldn't control The fatal accident dented my edgy mood Leaving a chaotic commotion, nothing felt good. Yesterday, I blamed everyone save for myself But the true fault crept up with silent ...

A burden borne, a heart that aches The weight of want, a soul that breaks A yearning deep, a longing true A desire that gnaws, and forever pursues. It presses down, like a physical force A constant reminder, of life's elusive course A nagging voice that whispers low "more, more, more," as the heart does know. In the darkest night, it whispers sweet promises of fulfilment, a future to greet But dawn's cold light, reveals the lie leaving only emptiness, and a hollow sigh. Yet still we ...

Christmas EVE
The night is calm, the Stars shine bright As bells ring out, with a gentle delight The world is hushed, in a peaceful sleep As Christmas magic begins to creep. The tree Stands tall, with lights aglow A symbol of hope, in the harmattan blow The room Is filled, with a warm sweet cheer As loved ones gather, to banish all fear. The night is filled, with a sense of wonder As dreams and magic, begin to thunder For on this Eve of Christmas night Miracles happen, and love shines bright. #poe...

The first lad scoffed, "Easy for you to say, you're used to having nothing." The third lad smiled, "That's where you're wrong, my friend. I've learned to see beauty in the bare minimum." The second lad chimed in, "But what about when the rains don't come, and the crops wither away?" The third lad's smile never wavered. "Even in the midst of scarcity, there is always something to be grateful for. A roof over our heads, the sun on our faces, the laughter of children." "The first lad shook hi...

"We haven't had meat in months, only crayfish and onion." The lad without slippers hissed. "Hear who is spoiled," the second lad without a shirt reported to the third. "We haven't had oil in rice, except for salt, sometimes vegetables." He grumbled. The third lad with no slippers, no shirt, but a string of rags barely covering his buttocks, shook his head in amazement and said, "Look at me." "What about you?" the second asked nonchalantly. "Yes, what is it with you, to look at?" the firs...

In the depths of time, my moments entwine, with eternity's whispers, an echo divine A resonance that reverberates, beyond life's fleeting breath, A harmony that echoes, in the chambers of death. The memories we crafted, the love we chose to share, The laughter, tears, and moments beyond compare, All echo through eternity, a symphony sublime A celestial music, that transcends the boundaries of time. In this grand tapestry, my moments are a thread, interwoven with yours, in the intricate...

In the fabric of eternity, I'm a thread so fine A moment's pause, a lifetime's divine. I'm the whisper in the wind, the beat of the heart, A fleeting glimpse of beauty, a work of art. Don't let me slip away, like sand between your hands For once I'm gone, I'm lost in the sands of time's demands. Cherish me, hold me close, and make me your own, For in my moments, you'll find the beauty that's been sown. Use me to love, to laugh, to live, and to grow, To create memories that forever will...

People who don't understand think I'm money, They're unaware and wrongly funny. How can I be that? Which can be stolen, duplicated, and counterfeited. I can never be money. You can't steal me, yet money can be stolen. You can spend me, but can't hoard me. Because I belong to everyone. You can put me in your pocket, And still find me in the arms of another person. Both the rich and the poor have the same quantity of me. Life is too short to waste me. I am LIFE itself. Those who was...

In the depths of my chest, a war rages on, A battle between two foes, forever strong My brain, a fortress of logic and reason's might Clashes with my heart, a flame that burns through the night. The brain, a sceptic, questions every move, weighs the pros and cons, with a calculating groove. It warns of dangers, of risks and of strife, And urges caution, a careful, measured life. But the heart, a rebel, beats to it's own drum, Follows its passion, and lets emotions become. It leaps wit...

Money swore an oath, that no one who did not Love money should have her. #motivation #quotes #Hellonircle #nirclestories #mynirclecommunity

I took the Sufi's advice, And poured my thoughts onto the page The words flowed like a river, As I hide my demons in a cage. The poem became my sanctuary A place to conceal my deepest fears. The words wove a tapestry of solace As I wrapped my heart in calmer tears. But as I read the poem anew, I realized that my thoughts were still there, Hidden in plain sight, between the lines, Waiting to pounce, like a predator in the air. So I'll keep writing, and hiding, and seeking, A place to...

Where can I hide, These thoughts are so wild, And brazen in appearance? They have caused me grief And invited sorrows uninvited. Yesterday, They brought torment In droves of emotions Emotions that prick consciousness Then leaves it numb like the nerves of a leper. I took them to a bank The manager murmured, "These are no legal tender, We can't keep them here." I took them to a funeral parlour The undertaker cursed me out. "You fool, not here. These things will resurrect." I was l...

The MIND is like a restless monkey hopping from one tree to another. To tame it you have to cut down the trees. _ Lumumba Jatau #quotes #wisewords #neighbor #feed #blog #Hellonircle #nirclestories

I stumbled upon a gathering that was
I stumbled upon a gathering that was celebrating a lady who was about to get wedded. #neighbors #film #nirclestories #Hellonircle #feed

I see the face of God in every soul, A multifaceted gem, with stories untold Like the dice, He's unpredictable, yet divine. Rolling with the punches, in the grand design. In the rustling leaves, I hear His gentle voice. A whispered truth, that echoes through the noise In the city's chaos, I find His peaceful Nest A haven of hope, where love is the ultimate test. I'm not bound by dogma, or continued by creed My heart is a sanctuary, where all are freed. I'll walk with the Wanderer, an...

I'm a firm believer, On a spiritual path uncharted. My approach to religion is not misguided. I bear the wisdom of Jesus, And the diplomacy of the Islamic prophet. I wear the cloak of a monk around my heart, I meditate with a Sufi mentality from birth. I know nothing, I found something. My mat is the ancient scroll of Buddhism. I sleep on it every day and night, I worship in the temple of my ancestors with an invisible sight. I burn incense of practical knowledge. My mind is a conscientio...

In the depths of despair, I found a spark, A glimmer of hope, a light in the dark Laughter, the medicine that heals the soul A balm that soothes the heart, making it whole. With every chuckle, my burden lift, My Spirit revives, my heart begins to shift The weight of worries, the sting of pain Fade away with laughter, like dry leaves in the rain So let us laugh, let joy resound For in it's echoes, our hearts are found In laughter's embrace, we find peace A sense of belonging, our wor...

As my ink flows with ferocious velocity on the page, I must confess this now, not later, not after the rage. Though it seems impossible to endure, Precisely when emotions overwhelm, without cure. Walls closing in like prison bars, Bleeding profusely from new wounds and old scars. The trouble with trouble is nothing but trouble, For it stings twice as double. Life is littered with bumps and hurdles Embrace challenges like an infant's cuddles. Laugh at it, laugh with it, Laugh it out,...

In the vast expense of time and space God's humour shines with grace In moments of joy and tears His laughter soothes our fears. With a twinkle in His eye, He paints the sky with colours high His jokes are hidden in the Stars, Guiding us from afar. In the chaos of our days His humour lights our ways For God's laughter is a gift A reminder of love's lift. So let us laugh and let us sing For God's humour is a wondrous thing In every smile and every tear His comedy is always near. ...

There's a cupbearer Whose chalice holds the ocean He can also separate wetness from water And remove the flame from the fire. He added the liquid in the rain And concocted the radiance of the sun As well as fanned the breeze of the air He called out the light out of darkness And built in the pillars that held the firmament He also laid the pipes of the bloodstream And invented the battery that makes the heartbeat He hung the sun, moon and stars with celestial pegs And fortified the bo...

The Gatekeeper of Crocodile City. He owes no apologies Bears his mind as he dims fit Say a word against him, you're in deep sh He lies blatantly through his teeth The state House of Assembly dreads him Phony piece of prick he is Before he got here, he criticised vehemently When he wasn't in the corridors of power He objected to all that was wrong at that hour Today, he calls the shot with a brazen tongue Forcing the state citizens to sing a mournful song He has a flying carpet and ...

Teacher: Why did the policeman say, "Something smells fishy," when they caught John? Pupil: Because he stole a can of sardines. #nirclecommunity #nirclehumour #nirclepun #nirclestories #nirclepoetry#citizenjournalism

By this time of every year You'll find me in most homes My fruits are golden pears Pearls of lightening and golden stones My leaves are forever green Reminding you of the saviours win Death was conquered, as well as sin Amazing grace let's sing the glorious hymn. #nirclestories #nirclepoetry #nirclecommunity

I know a distant land where wounds are washed with tears And starving babies are fed with bowls of emptiness I know a distant land Where the leaders bath with exotic wine And uses fruit juice to wash of their buttocks I know a distant land Where the governors sleeps in gigantic mansions And the subjects lineup in the streets like beggars I know a distant land Where corruption is the king And it's throne is a pile of loot. #nirclestories #nirclepoetry #nirclecommunity ...

I just want mine A feast when I dine Fruit juice and red wine Pepper chicken mixed with curry and thyme Garment adorned fabulously fine. I just want good Possess the switch to my mood Feed my mind, thoughts are food Never let swings intrude. #nirclestories #nirclepoetry #nirclecommunity

THE BLIND ENCOUNTER I met a blind man yesterday, he showed me visual things Gave me an insight into the usual that was quite unusual He talked about the country like he had a crystal ball Clairvoyant he seems, mentioned how religion is a brick wall That Separate humanity from the essence of existence I was not meant to walk him the whole distance He had a grip on me and I was spellbound He told him what brought him to this little town And how his predicament meant nothing but a gift ...

THE STREET TOOK ME INN I stumbled upon her at the bus station on the corner of the street Wearing a tight fitted blue denim jeans with sandals on her feet Her charm compelled me to offer assistance in carrying her grocery bag She looked at me with shrewd suspicion and then saw my trousers didn't sag She flamboyantly smiled and then said "Don't bother am close to my destination" I insisted on helping like am under a spell possessed by her magnetic attraction she murmured something I ba...

COURAGE Courage is not and never the absence of fear But the awareness something else is important to care. Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway, We are confronted with challenges of life everyday. Courage can be displayed in heroic, visible ways Or in quiet, private battles we fight, needless to say. Courage issue the inner strength that conquers inner fear Refusing to heed to the taunt of weakness in the mind of the ear. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones cour...

HYPOCRITE I the Judge of justice who is to render the law plausible Collects bribes from plaintiff and honor the corruptible I the pastor say give and you will receive yet don't pay my tithe I say turn the other cheek if attacked, I don't forgive a fight. I the officer of the law who put culprit behind bars for stealing I have killed a man and took away his money from drug dealing I the choir master who sings , let's live in peace and alcohol free I menace the society, disturbing the neighbor...