Hosea khitongwa
🏆 Award-winning [poetics] | 📚 Author | Speaker | Mentor in [writing] | 🚀 Innovator
Member Since: 6 months ago

Red flag
#HelloNircle This year don't be a bull chasing red flags if you notice one head down and ignore it, no lion that doesn't bite know that #Nircleqoute #nirclesories #nirclefeeds #nircleart #nirclepoet

Good bye 2024
At least in 2025 Be resilient Learn to adapt to change Letting go off some good stuffs and go for the best Know when to use your heart and when to use your brain #nirclefeeds #nirclestory #nircleart #nirclepoem #nirclepoetry

what do you see ?
#art Many diamonds people pass by because it in a mud looking dirty every body want a glittering one, nobody wants the raw material everyone wants the Finished work. it takes a visionary to see treasure from what looks like a trash to someone, don't go picking stones instead of diamond's #nirclemotivation #nircleart #nirclepoet #nirclefeeds #nircle

My Angel
#art just like I pray to God so also I pray to my angels to stay close to me, for even If I walk through the valley of shadows of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and staff will keep me safe for i lean not unto my own understanding Safe I feel even when ten thousand are against me because he that is with me is greater than those who come against me with chariot and sword #nirclestories #nirclefeed

🔁 Hosea khitongwa ReCircled: HYPOCRITE
HYPOCRITE I the Judge of justice who is to render the law plausible Collects bribes from plaintiff and honor the corruptible I the pastor say give and you will receive yet don't pay my tithe I say turn the other cheek if attacked, I don't forgive a fight. I the officer of the law who put culprit behind bars for stealing I have killed a man and took away his money from drug dealing I the choir master who sings , let's live in peace and alcohol free I menace the society, disturbing the neighbor...

A place for you
I love you,that was the first word I want to tell you when I first saw you Your legs walked you straight to my heart A feeling I can't tell arose in me My eyes have just make a new discovery of beauty, you're a Fantasy Could I say it a magic how you get into my heart without me noticing because I can't remember giving you the keys to my heart because you didn't even ask for it Did my heart just start paying allegiance to you Maybe my eyes sees a perfect place for you to stay so he sen...

🔁 Hosea khitongwa ReCircled: walking masterpiece
#art You're a prove that the best treasure's are found outside the museum at the most forbidden places, beneath hard rocks and soil and under the thick dark sea,but I see you're a walking treasure I can't measure your beauty but I can tell you worth a masterpiece, precious and adorable....you're priceless #poet #lovepoet #love

🔁 Hosea khitongwa ReCircled: walking masterpiece
#art You're a prove that the best treasure's are found outside the museum at the most forbidden places, beneath hard rocks and soil and under the thick dark sea,but I see you're a walking treasure I can't measure your beauty but I can tell you worth a masterpiece, precious and adorable....you're priceless #poet #lovepoet #love

walking masterpiece
#art You're a prove that the best treasure's are found outside the museum at the most forbidden places, beneath hard rocks and soil and under the thick dark sea,but I see you're a walking treasure I can't measure your beauty but I can tell you worth a masterpiece, precious and adorable....you're priceless #poet #lovepoet #love

over trust
#art who knows my strength ? you who knows my weaknesses ? you who knows my pains ? you who knows my plan? you when it raining you know the exact spot I hide when it gets cold you know where I light up to get warm I could hide from the sunlight and moonlight but not from your sight you know all about me. even though you're not a bank for me to trust you my treasure's but I did. I gave you my time, I gave you my heart, I gave you every piece of me. trusting you was like pointing the ar...

A place in my heart
when you can't navigate your way out I want you to know that I've got you covered , you ain't lost but I know finding your way is hard because you're somewhere in man heart managing the air I breath the moment I leave you, that moment my heart will dies

My Heart and Eyes
#poetry What flows from my heart is not just blood and sounds in my heart is not a beat of pulse , but the flow of my feelings for you and the rhythm of love for you. I discovered for the first time that the purpose of my heart is not just for pumping blood but a room for you to stay forever without paying a rent, you became a motivation for me to keep waking up to glimpse on your enchanting beauty that have make my eyes to be jealous of my heart . It is a fight I should be settling but you a...

heart break
i thought I found a rest place for my heart 💓 , but it was resting on a time bomb 💣💔 #heartbreak #breakup #sad #introvert

my baby Vs the rainbow
Rainbow needed several colours to look attractive and beautiful but you have just one colour but you look more attractive and beautiful than the rainbow

wasted Time
you said it was a wasted time but we both where smiling at that time. you said it was a wasted time but I use to be your best man you said it was a wasted time but Friday night use to be your favourite day you said it was a wasted time but you enjoyed all the season that past you said it was a wasted time but I used to make you warm when you're cold you said it was a wasted time but I use to be the shoulder you use to lean on until till you get you get your strength back I use the best of me a...