Ebunilo Chizoba
#PodcastTeaser #Nirclesrories I’m Katie. I’m in my twenties and have been an avid reader and storyteller since I was very young. Currently, I host a podcast called Novels in Bits. It’s where I tell the full stories of novels I’ve enjoyed, in bits 😄
Member Since: 1 year ago

Princess Assumed the God of Life Gifted Her Healing Powers But It’s Actually the God of Death
For the entirety of Sera’s existence, she regarded her ability to raise dead things back to life as a gift the Primal of Life, Kolis, granted her. She was born in a shroud afterall, destined to be the bride of the Primal of death. Perhaps, The king of all the gods, Kolis, was aware of this and that’s why he gifted her. Having no way to confirm this, Sera did the next best thing. She kept quiet about her abilities for 20 years until one day, it literally burst out of her in front of so many ...

He’s a 200-Year-Old God Who’s Never Shared His Bed With Anyone Until Her
When Ash tells Sera, “I’ll be right back,” she gives a perfectunctory smile knowing fully well he won’t. Suprisingly, he does return and now, he’s tugging at his fingers like a nervous school boy. “Can I just be here with you?” He doesn’t want to do anything. He just wants to be close to her. For the both of them, it’s a first. On his part, he’s never allowed himself this intimacy with anyone because it would put them at risk. Even now, Sera may hate him when she fully gets ...

New Husband Believes Love is Weak, Distances From Wife
Sera definitely did not expect this development. It was bad enough that it took her fiancé three years before he finally claimed her as his. For the first week in his house, she barely saw him because he was always busy. Now, the official wedding is two weeks away and he’s setting rules. Everything in her wants to rebel but she has to play along if she wants to save her people, right? Until she learns from his own mouth that love is often exploited as people’s weakness. Aka, he has made up...

This Man Ignores His Wife-to-be Three Times He Was Summoned Then This Happened
The first time Nyktos was summoned to fulfill the deal he made with Sera’s ancestor, he answered and told her, “I have no need for a wife.” Sera was treated as a disappointment by her family afterwards. They tried three more times to summon him in the following three years. He didn’t answer. But when Sera was at her breaking point, he unexpectedly showed up to save her life. Sera expects the worst when he brings her to his home but his people laugh around him. They’re not afraid. Hi...

Wicked Stepbrother Canes Stepsister in Public On First Day as King But Regrets it For An Eternity
Tavius has never liked Sera. The feeling is mutual. She’s trained better than most of the Knights in the kingdom and beats him up every chance she gets. It doesn’t matter he’s heir to the throne, she has more rights to the crown than he does and he knows it. On the night that the king passes, Tavius is at Sera’s room early. Unfortunately, he catches her off guard and he brings with him guards who hate her. Today, he will exert his revenge. He’ll publicly humiliate her and charge her ...

Secret Princess Has Bad Headaches, Bleeds From Gums & Someone’s Trying to K!ll Her
Not only is Sera a secret princess who’s disrespected or feared by most people at the palace, she has a stupid step brother who vows to make her pay. What did she do? She spoke up for the hungry in the Kingdom who are going as far as taking their own lives so they don’t face starvation. Her step brother blames her. What? Now, Sera can’t even see straight on some days because she has awful headaches just like her mother. The bleeding from the gums is new but who can she tell about it? Her...

D3ad Men Attack Princess & a God Within Haunted Woods, Leads To Shocking Revelation
Sera is dipping in the water like she’s used to doing, alone, when she notices she isn’t alone. It turns out to be Ash, the silver eyed god who often makes her feel rightness whenever she’s in his presence. They engage in a banter that’s cut short because something’s coming. They’re creatures of a nightmare with black holes for eyes, gray pallor for skin, hairless scalps and mouths stitched shut as if they’re smiling. They’re Gryms and they’re here for Ash. After passing out, ...

6-Year-Old Resurrects Pet Cat From The Dead But Mother Ends The Cat’s Life
Young Sera discovered their barn cat passed. She carried the pet in her lap and placed her hand on him. To the shock of Sera and her step sister, the cat returned to life. A miracle! But Sera’s step brother, Tavius, was bitter. He ran off to tell. When Sera’s mother learned of what she’d done, she was afraid. Quickly, she had the cat killed and buried so that no one would ever discover what Sera did. Why is she so afraid? Is there a logical reason to any of it? And what becomes of Sera i...

Girl Was Groomed From Birth to Make God of Death Fall For Her, Then Finish Him Off
As the first born daughter of the Mierel bloodline, Princess Seraphena was destined to become the Consort of the god of Death. This happened because some 200 years back, her ancestor, a King, made a deal with the god to make his Kingdom prosperous. The god granted him what he wanted but at a future cost - Sera. The Royal family - Sera’s family - knew the deal the god made with their ancestor would expire. Yet, they didn’t prepare for the outcome which is terrible famine in the land. The on...

Random Man Stops Her From Jumping Into Lethal Danger, Kisses Her To Avoid Getting Caught
“While I’m not suggesting you don’t attempt to fight me - you do whatever you feel you need to do - you should know that you will not win, ever.” The perfect stranger says this to Sera who’s wiggling in his arms, attempting to break free so she can inflict physical harm on him. His offense? Sera happened upon a scene where three literal gods hurt mortals and unalived a baby. She wanted to hurt the gods back although she’s just a mortal and this man pulled her away, saving her life...

Although She’s a Princess, No One Knows & Her Own Mother - The Queen - Uses Her As an Assassin
Princess Seraphena’s destiny was decided the moment she was birthed as the first-born daughter of the Mierel bloodline. She’s the rightful heir to the Kingdom but can never claim it because the Kingdom doesn’t even know of her existence. Sera was promised to the god of Death centuries before she was born. But he rejected her when she came of age and now, there’s no way for her to save her people. Her life has no meaning whatsoever and her mother, the queen, resents her. That’s how Ser...

For Anniversary, Duke Gifts Wife W/ Signet To Act In His Authority But She Does This
Sebastian trusts his wife, Annabelle, deeply. To prove this, he gave her blank sheets already signed and stamped with his own signet. It means that she proxy power and can use it at anytime. For a long time, Annabelle doesn’t use this authority. She forgets she even has it until her friend, Catriona, lands herself in a fix. She asks Annabelle’s help and then, she recalls the proxy power. Some days after using it, a man bursts into Sebastian’s office claiming Sebastian’s train carted aw...

Woman Shows Off Stunning Wedding Gown To Besties - They Aren’t Invited To The Ceremony
Lucie never thought she’d get married. Living in the times that she does - 19th century England - and being passionate about women’s rights, she was even disowned by her family. Who would want a woman like her? However, she finds somebody and they’re supposed to get married but planning for it is so hard. At the end of the day, she gets a gown her fiancé adores, shows it off to her friends and decides to elope. Lucky for her, her friends don’t care so much except one, Catriona. Lat...

Man Would Marry Poor Lover, Revive Her Family’s Dying Business & Give Her Freedom But She Refuses
“A business is in trouble because a change happened to which you couldn’t adjust on time. You pay attention and adapt or you die, that’s the nature of it.” Elias says these words to Catriona, the woman he wants to spend his life with. There are so many obstacles against them but he doesn’t care. He just wants to take care of her. The only way is by being her husband. However, Catriona has no intention of ever marrying. She’s from an old British noble line, her family is going brok...

Woman Doesn’t Want Marriage But Is Constantly Anxious That Lover Can Dump Her Anytime
For someone who can’t abide the presence of others for long, Catriona didn’t notice Elias stayed an entire week with her. She feels he gives her more than she gives him. It’s weird because HE is staying at her house, HE took her virginity, she put herself through hassles to cook for HIM and anytime HE steps out on an errand, she is worried he won’t come back. Yet whenever he brings up marriage, she laughs it off or frowns. What exactly is Catriona’s problem? What’s she so afraid ...

In This World, Powerful Women D!e By Their Lovers’ Hands
Catriona longs to have somebody. However, as far as she knows, it’s not possible for someone like her. She’s an influential academician at 25 years old in 19th century London and no man has shown any interest in having her as wife. Then Elias shows up and he’s constantly all over Catriona. And he’s for real. Now, Catriona is worried because women in her position never have love stories that end well. Elissa of Carthage took her own life over unrequited love. Cleopatra, seduced by two...

To he who has enough money, the princess is his bride
“We can’t,” Nayla shook her head, her eyes were frightened. Elias, the young man who ran the warehouse where she often bought her silk, was asking her to elope with him. He’d come to the conclusion that it was the best thing for them after Nayla’s guardians had refused him her hand in marriage. Nayla claimed they couldn’t elope because they wouldn’t be able to return home. Also, he might hate her in the future. What kind of respectable woman runs away from home? Shortly after...

She’s Supposed To Be A Pawn in His Game - Now He Would Burn it All For Her
10 minutes is all it takes Elias to checkmate his toughest opponents in Chess. But Lady Catriona is different. She’s an unlikely genius who taught herself to speak 3 languages besides English, one of them being his own language, Arabic. As for chess, it’s nothing more than memorizing patterns to her. And she doesn’t forget a pattern once she’s seen it. He’s supposed to be seducing her but she is seducing him without using any womanly wiles! She’s risking everything he’s been build...

Emotional Manipulations Are Useless On Her- Men Regard Her as A Robot Except This Man
When Catriona helped a young man hide from his brother, a powerful Duke, the young man assumed it’s because she had feelings for him. But she did it simply because it was the right thing to do. No one should be forced to enlist in the military. Years down the line, another young man is here to steal back artifacts stolen from his homeland. Catriona will go any lengths to help him, even stake her family’s noble reputation. She might like this man but apart from the fluttery emotions, she wo...

Woman Sets Out on Dangerous Experiment— She Doesn’t Want To Fall in Love Ever Again
Catriona is a fierce advocate of women’s rights. She appears completely unfazed by anything or anyone but she’s terrified of one thing— falling in love. She feels as though she’s wearing a clown costume whenever she tries to be coquettish like other young women her age. She stops putting in effort and is branded a spinster but that doesn’t stop her heart from racing once in a while when an attractive man shows up in her life. There’s currently one of such men and he’s seen her ...

She’s The Level Headed One in Her Friend Group But Men Always Use & Leave Her
Catriona is extremely logical and smart. As the daughter of an acclaimed professor, it’s granted her access to world renowned academicians with whom she casually converses with. Among her 3 friends, she’s the one who doesn’t fawn over fashion or care for flashy social gatherings. Yet, she’s the only one without a beau. She’s had mishaps with 3 men up till date where she embarrassed herself. In the last incident, she was acting out of a sense of doing what’s right but the man misint...

In This World, Women’s Brains Explode & Their Reproductive Organs Crash If They Study
Catriona has been her father, Wester Ross’ assistant for years, coauthoring several books with him. She’s respected among academicians who are all male. She is forbidden to write the same qualification exams as them. The reason being she’s a woman. It doesn’t matter that she’s demonstrated her brilliance in numerous ways, if she were to ever study as much as a man does, terrible things would happen. Swelling of her brain, damage to her reproductive organs, and the collapse of society...

He Will Burn It All Down
On Nick’s payday when he was a teenager, his dad would show up to his workplace and demand that Nick’s employer give him Nick’s pay. If that failed, his dad would bamboozle Nick promising they would spend more time together if Nick let go of his money just once. His dad never once honored that promise. Nick’s dad stole from everyone including Nick’s mom, Teresa. She wound up chasing after him all the time abandoning Nick to his own devices, convincing him that he must be worthless or ...

The things I’ve been up to
Yup, they’re incredibly easy to predict and glean from. I want to impact life and I will. But it’s hard to believe when you’re in a position of need and seeking assistance yourself

Teenages forced to compete in a deadly game is a storyline that never gets old
This is the 6th Purging Trials. Inspired by Lauren Roberts’ novel, Powerless

Triple Celebration
Happy Sunday, Happy New Week and Happy New Month in successions that followed each other bumper to bumper. Celebration plenty. God is faithful

The One Thing That Makes You Stand Out
Optimism. How eager, excited and upbeat are you? People are drawn to an optimistic person like a magnet. The way to be more excited is by surrounding yourself with people whose words are seasoned with grace. They see life’s beauty all around and know how to receive the best of the universe. For me, I find those people as podcast hosts of some of my favorite podcast shows and as few religious leaders. #Thursday #TransformationThursday #TrendyThursday #ThoughtfulThursday #ThursdayLook #Th...

She Saves. a Person’s Life but now, Her Own Life is in Danger
Paedyn is in trouble. She got there by being nice. What would she do? Let’s find out together in Your Romance Girlie podcast

An excerpt from the latest episode of
An excerpt from the latest episode of the podcast, Your Romance Girlie #friday #tgif #nirclepodcasts #romancestory

The Only Way To Be Highly Successful
People gather to watch someone who’s utterly obsessed and passionate about what they do, not someone who’s hot and cold. That person ain’t attractive. I haven’t been obsessed about my craft in some time because of… wait for it… excuses! It doesn’t matter what’s going on, keep that obsession on! Energy brings the people, not the algorithm or whatever. All of those strategies, tips and collabs you’re chasing are so secondary. #Tuesdaymotivation #ToastTuesday #Tuesdaytalks

🔁 Ebunilo Chizoba ReCircled: New Podcasts on Nircle to Listen to
New on Nircle Podcasts - Take a listen to Chizoba Ebunilo's show at

🔁 Ebunilo Chizoba ReCircled: New Podcasts on Nircle to Listen to
New on Nircle Podcasts - Take a listen to Chizoba Ebunilo's show at

🔁 Ebunilo Chizoba ReCircled: New Podcasts on Nircle to Listen to
New on Nircle Podcasts - Take a listen to Chizoba Ebunilo's show at

Authenticity every time!
These days, I try to post what feels aligned not what I think will “blow”. People can tell when you’re sucking up to them and when you’re being authentic. Each time I’m authentic, I notice the likes and engagement effortlessly pour in compared to when I’m trying to get something. #Thursday Post your #TransformationThursday #TrendyThursday #ThoughtfulThursday #ThursdayLook #TherapyThursday

Don’t cut me off
#hellonircle Thank you so much for the podcast sponsorships and trainings you made available to us. I feel so fortunate. However, I’ve encountered back-to-back challenges in using this platform. I see the constant updates and improvements and I’m so grateful for them. Nircle team is also amazing in how quickly they respond and try to fix matters. But today is Friday and this is week 2 since the onboarding and I haven’t been able to release a single episode because the podcast won’t ev...