Bonjoru Rejoice@rejoicebonjoru247785
15 days ago
Many times, We are told tales of superheroes,
That wore capes,
Had smoothed hairs,
and big muscles.
We are told of how they saved the world,
Kept an orderly world,
And beat the bad guys.
How they tried to hide their identities,
And lived normal lives.
Perhaps this is true!
I suspect someone!
Someone who might be a superhero,
pretending to be no hero.
He wears simple clothing,
And loves to sing off key,
He does not have a lot of hair left to be smoothed either.
This superhero hero does not beat literal bad guys,
He does not have to,
because we do not live in Marvel movies.
And there are no alien invasions, Yet.
But this superhero, protects daily.
He provides, daily necessities and safety.
He loves dearly, and unconditionally.
He prays tirelessly,
And guides efficiently.
He listens effectively,
And disciplines actively.
He's present and available.
This unsung hero does not publicize,
He sees heroism as a duty,
a natural instinct,
A normalcy.
This superhero is my father,
And I'm his biggest fan, and cheerleader.