The fact of love
Miss Teensy@misstobore967370
18 days ago
Love is the fact that we are made to live.
That love holds all we are made to appreciate.
An epitome of love we see and shall believe.
The one who is love made to imitate,
Then we should always be thankful to receive,
Love is the fact that we are made to live.
There are many things we do and associate.
The more we cherish, the more we give.
An epitome of love we see and shall believe.
We live, guide and lead by love, on this meditate.
All things we enjoy makes us happy and relieve.
Love is the fact that we are made to live.
There are times of qualm, what do they initiate?
Is that not unity so that we are not deceive?
An epitome of love we see and shall believe.
If love does not exist, it is no relieve.
When love surrounds, it is victory over what deceive.
Is love the fact that we are made to live?
An epitome of love we see and shall believe.
#poetry#Nircle #life #villanelle #missTobore