Miracle Afoma@afomamiracle821892
1 month ago
Realizing you gree up too fast
Years blurred and eventually you emerged
All grown yet lacking
The facade you mange to put up,
Shattered in minutes.
You regret ever leaving yourself bare to that person
You've imagined the ever Afters
Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned again
Not like you're surprised.
Nothing goes as you planned
Your childhood for example..
Did you say childhood? Laughs
Of course yours is lacking
You grew up too fast.
Eventually, some persons come along,
You try to free yourself and act you
Lol, you're insulted and tagged childish
Your parents make it worse
By trying to shelter you even more
Knowing that indeed you grew too fast.
Something that should have been done before
They realize too late and try to make amends
Don't they see?
It's no longer required! At least not in public
It makes you ridiculed by the mass
Funny enough this mass wants what you got.
They never knew how your so called childhood was.
What if they knew??
They don't care! All man is selfish anyways
Again, you gave your all
Fool they term you until..
You no longer do their bidden and they discard you in anger.