Abby Saila@sailaabby718822
5 hours ago
Murmurs reined the air the minute we stood
Blind to the crows like birds at a rite
The die has been thrown
No one cast a unique opinion
The tunes were up, let the dance begin
Doors, shut so the girls peeked, between
The walls, indeed have ears
In a rush, they left, clueless
The trails of errors left behind
How do we progress asked they
A gathering of soulessness at its peak
Dig, dig while you can
For we have been sold a lie
Daddies bought on vapid value
Installed by the inner caicos
Babies weaned premature, given
No reprieve for mothers must needs labour
Lest the home be left untend
At the end of the day, no winner carried the vote.
Photocredit: StockCake
#Poetry #Storyteller #NircleFamily #Creative #NircleFeeds #HelloNircle #Nirclestories #Poet #Rack #BeUnique