Bonjoru Rejoice@rejoicebonjoru247785
18 days ago
Three dresses sit in the closet,
Sisters, all made for the purpose of wearing.
Dress one gets picked today,
Dress two, tomorrow.
Dress three's turn, somehow impossible now,
As Dress one gets picked again,
Then Dress two again.
So it went on, again and again,
Day after day, month after month,
Spring, summer, autumn, winter.
Dress three's turn just never came.
The two dresses begin to fade with their achievements.
after all, What's the use of a dress if it's not worn?
Worried, downcast, feeling useless,
Dress three summons the courage,
The courage to ask its owner,
To know why it never gets picked.
"Is it because I'm ugly, low-quality, or merely useless,
Unlike other regular dresses?"
"It is because I'm preserving you for my best days,
Because you're not just like other regular dresses," she says,
Grabbing one of the two dresses.
That day till this day, Dress three never questioned its purpose again.