Ukeme Daniel
I'm Ukeme Daniel, a native of Onna LGA Akwa Ibom State Nigeria, a graduate from the department of fine and industrial Arts University of Uyo Akwa Ibom State. I'm a visual Artist, an expressionistic painter and contemporary Artist. my art journey begins from my tender age and my zeal and passion kept me going till now. My art evokes deep feeling and arouses emotions. Art is the the only way I express myself and unspoken words in visual. Im a proud Artist.
Member Since: 1 year ago

#art #upcomingartexhibition Title: within oneself medium: Oil on canvas size: 50 x 60 cm Artist: Ukeme Daniel Work Description: "Within oneself" This painting is a visual interpretation of the hidden world in us, that within oneself is a river of wealth, greatness,riches, success, victory, just to mention a few. We don't have to go 360° or 180°c for all we need is within us. There's no where in the world one could search for wealth except the one concealed in him. Although sometimes we fo...