Sheriff Dada
Sheriff Erimasolimi Dada, born on the 31st of March, 1984 is a native of Ekpesa, in Akoko-Edo LGA of Edo State. Alumni of Nigeria's Kogi State University, Sheriff Dada's literary passion cuts across poetry, short stories, and drama. The themes of his literary works promote African values and advocate for an egalitarian society where gender, social status, or colour classification should be put outside and crushed under society's socioeconomic train. Some of Sheriff Dada's works have been published in both local and international platforms, including Africa's prestigious Writers Space Africa. Aside from being a literary enthusiast, Sheriff Dada is also a songwriter and a content/article writer cum real estate consultant. His published books include An Epistle to The African Child and Nine Agonies of Welcoming The Killer-Twins.
Member Since: 1 year ago

Ozalla 'Power': Ani Ozalla Lake and Shrine
Ani Ozalla Lake and Shrine, nestled in Ozalla town, close to Enugu in Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria, for ages has been one of the most dreaded and revered traditional sites in Eastern Nigeria. Now a popular tourist attraction, Ozalla Lake and Shrine is a notable cultural and historical symbol passed down from generation to generation of Ozalla. Ani Ozalla Lake, which hosts large crocodiles and a variety of fish, is believed to be a bottomless body of water that hold...

#NIGERIANDREAM A PLEA TO MY CHOSEN JAILER Free me from this prison Oh my chosen jailer And let me breathe the air I bought with my precious blood You told me the gun was cruel That he would never let me breathe Never to let a Nathan rise to confront a David's evil In pains tears and blood we made the gun return to his bunker- When our bleeding pens drowned his gunpowder When our fizzy voices became drumbeats And hoped never again to be cowed to breathe Free me from this prison Oh my cho...

WHAT CAUSED THE BATTLE? (MY VISIT TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN) The world has centuries ago been a battlefield of sociopolitical interests between the menfolk and the womenfolk. The clamors by the latter for a level playing field in the social, economic, and political spaces of life can not be said to have begun in a particular century. Yes, gender equality awakening began sometime somewhere in nations of the world. Perhaps, as a Christian with the mind of a critical and conscious thinker, I am begi...

A Palace Turned a Doggery Once upon a time in my kingdom With strength and wisdom They kicked the enemies out of the kingdom Yes, I mean the sons of Solomon and David Yes, even the daughters of Esther and Debora were here The atmosphere was of joy For we were left to manage their kingdom A kingdom where silver and gold reside Yes, we built a palace for our kingdom A palace where wisdom and strength will reside A palace where beauty and honour will reside Yes, wisdom and strength did reside A...