Rebecca Wadak
#content writer
Member Since: 1 year ago

MENA The door closes. The noise it makes brings Mark’s consciousness back. His face is still covered with the hood his captors sealed his face with; his hands and legs are still tied. Suddenly, the hood is taken-off, he struggles to see; his vision is rather blurred, a little adjustment to the light and his sight is restored. He sets gaze on the figure that took the hood of him “Mena!?” Mark says in shock “Hello, Mark. How was your trip here?” she replies while dragging a chair to w...

THROUGH THE TUNNEL - Becca_writes. I gained consciousness and found myself in there. I don't have a choice - no turning back, I've got to keep on moving. Moving towards "hope" - light, letting me know I could make it out of this dark cage. Sometimes, I get lost, I loose track, I ask people around - it's just a waste of time- they never lend me a listening ear. Sometimes I give up...I sit at the edge not caring about what's next, I bow my head, sometimes I bury it. When my head's ...