Oluwatuyi Olabisi
A Pastor, wife and a mother
Member Since: 1 year ago

UNDERSTANDING ME The word “woman” is deeper than just having a big or small breast and backside. When the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable(Dr. Miles munroe). If you decide not to see you more than just possessing feminine features then you will function less according to God ordained purpose. Woman is more than what a dictionary can give meaning to.... According to the origin of the word, Adam called Eve woman because of what he saw both physically and ...

THE PRODUCT A while ago, myself and my sweetheart were discussing about “PROPHECY” and according to what I saw in the scriptures about Adam knowing Eve to be a Woman and then His wife at first glance. I then asked if it is right to say all men are expected to have the portion of operating in the prophetic gift. Are you thinking what I am thinking? How can a man, the first man see a being he has never seen before and start giving perspective to the being( Gen 2:23-24). He then t...