Kachukwu Israel
I read. I write. I observe people. I drink water daily. I mind my business.
Member Since: 4 months ago

Do you Love me? Yes, I do. With every muscle in my body, Reaching out to your fragility, Leaving you with scars and bruises. Does he Love you? Yes, he does. With my bruises covered in a million dollars make up, And my Versace burying deep the pains I feel. Do I Love you? Yes, I do. With every drop of thallium, Sinking into your blood, As you sip your early morning tea. #nircle #nirclestories #poem #poetry #love

Our Love began at the cathedral You didn't know this, But you had a firm grip on my heart. Your awkward smiles and intense stares set my heart aflame. A thousand folly belong to a thousand fools, Never will a boy like you fall into flowerbeds of love for a girl like me. Mother's Sunday rice drives us all home, Fast as squirrels, We sometimes forget to say goodbye. Your voice echoes above the rest, As everything else about you. Why does aunty Amaka need me to pluck mangoes, When I am ...

What is Love? Is it an outburst of orgasms under hidden duvets? Is it an exchange of promises that may or may never see the light of a new dawn? Is it a show where the stage performance is often monologued? Is it a new soup which is tasted with the tip of a tongue and the taste buds decide if it should be eaten or not? What is Love to you? A scam? Heaven? Hard work? A luxury you can't afford? What is Love to me? Just like a babe learning new riddles, So am I.