Nwakaego Uwaka
Nwakaego is a Customer Relations Manager, writer and a budding Virtual Assitant and Salesforce Administrator A member of the International Association of Professional Writers and Editors, it is her dream to float a training hub for future virtual assistants.
Member Since: 1 year ago

It's foodie season for real and I'm still basking in the euphoria. Here's what I had for breakfast this morning. Didn't think I would be able to finish it, but I did. I did!!! #FoodieFriday #GoodFood

I have been reading a lot about intermittent fasting and the numerous benefits it holds for your gut and health in general. The advantages were too good to ignore, so I told myself I had to try it out. Hmm... Where do I start from? Is it the silent tussle I had with myself trying to refrain from eating anything past 5 pm or the hunger pangs that got me looking like a destitute? Long story short, I conquered! Above is the meal I just used in breaking the fast. I was told to keep the portio...

It's yet another #WellnessWednesday and today I will be emphasizing on MOVEMENT. That's right. Daily practice of movement for at least, 30 minutes. Most freelancers are guilty of this. They work from home, sitting in front of their computers for hours on end. Hey there workaholic! What time is it? It's time to move. It's time to commit to daily movement practices. The benefits it provides for your physical and mental health are endless. Practicing daily movement helps in strengthening yo...

These days, we hear phrases like "tech is the new oil well, tech is the future," etc. Amidst all these, I never for once felt tech was for me. I mean, I liked the phrase "tech savvy," but one look at those that were actually tagged that, gets me thinking I should just remain in my comfort zone. There's a good reason why I felt intimidated though. All my life, well most of it, I have always struggled with mathematics and calculations. I had doubts and they were valid. But, May this year, I ...

It's the beginning of yet another week and a perfect time to reiterate the importance of self care. In the holistic sense, self care refers to the conscious efforts aimed at achieving physical, mental and emotional wellness. Well, for me, I have since adopted the practice of daily meditation for atleast, 15 minutes. Experiencing writers block, brain freeze or even impostor syndrome? Meditation will help clear out the doubts in your head and place only your capabilities before you. You are...

Just because it's #SelfieSaturday and I pride myself of being the #Selfie 👸 😇 Howdy people!

That's right😀 Where are my foodies at? Ain't no shame in being one I tell you. Life is so much more beautiful with good food. Well, for #foodieFriday today, what we have is a sneak peak of my ongoing meal. Who can guess the meal I'm preparing? Anyways, this is the point where I say; COMING SOON, ANTICIPATE😅🤣 It's #FoodieFriday y'all. #TGIF

#HelloNircle #tgif It's the festive season and everyday pretty much feels like a holiday. This period, this introvert female right here, has decided to go all out, let her hair down and have all the fun in the world. You know what else? it is my intention to jot all the memories down here. So, one more time I say #HelloNircle!!! You ready for some fun read? Get in with the programmm!

It's the midweek people! Smell the weekend already? Hmm... fun scents, I can tell. So, as we slowly ease into another weekend, #WellnessWednesday is here to remind us to take things slow and care for ourselves. Now, when we talk wellness, the first thing that crops into some of us, is care for our mental health, but I want to emphasize on our TOTAL well-being. We need to be intentional about our health and embrace lifestyle changes that will help us achieve all-around wellness. Total well...

#HappyNewMonth #NircleFamily! December is filled with so much festivities and here are just two tips to help you fully enjoy all the activities you're involved in. Ready? let's go! 1) Wrap up every pending job Okay, in as much as we want to let down our hair and just party at every chance we get, we must not forget that there are no excuses for irresponsibility. So, if you've got any prior commitments, jobs you are yet to turn in, tasks not carried out yet, please pause every other fun act...

I am pretty new to #Nircle and it has been quite a fascinating ride for me so far as i navigate through the many different segments created for forward-thinking individuals to showcase their thoughts, ideas and creation. No doubt, Nircle is the end product of a grand idea, one borne out of pure goodwill and a desire for the advancement of industrious and creative Nigerians. I applaud this dream turned reality and congratulate myself massively for I am set to partake of this great innovation. ...

The workplace is fast evolving, and everything happening around us is screaming; "get skilled up or get booted out." I heard that once, and I'm obeying twice, hence my signing up for the Virtual Assitant course set up by Nircle. As a trained Customer Relations Manager, I realize that in attaining proficiency in the use of relevant administrative software and equipping myself with the necessary skills needed to effectively carry out tasks virtually, I would be bridging my skills gap, and this...