poetry by The ArcAngel
Member Since: 1 year ago

Promises were made, The ones that were never fulfilled Perhaps even forgotten, We both Stock In this house that is now a memory of a home we dreamt to have. It feels like a life time ago since I last saw you happy Or maybe I am just in the past, Presently dreaming of a future were I can have it all again I see the wrinkles on your face, This Time isn't going stop for us But it seems like we did, So before my strength leaves me and makes me completely useless On this day the 14th I...

Title Words by: The ArchAngel
Words Words are fragments life Little tiny pieces of me In which i send to you as rhythms So you might know me as I am in my soul They are the Echos of our dreams The footprint of our prophecies The very anchor of our destinies A promise of a better tomorrow Words the space between my heart and your ears Sanding the Waves of heavenly realms to your heart Showing you the way back to the supreme, It is that precise line between the physical and the unseen The burning force between us and t...

CHAOS MIND A thousand restaurants, one menu, Piecing through the air In search of happiness A city that never sleeps with People leaving in circles How is it possible? With All the person in the world My heart yet beats for one, Trust not a person For the heart is fragile Too lost to see through the veil Kill out the emotions Shatter those mirrors Kill your self That inner voice The illusion, the lies that keeps you away from yourself Nothing else matters None of it does. #poetry #poetr...

It's crazy that it's been 31 years already What's even crazier is that Once upon a time, we told our folks that we were just friends Then I get lost in a corner at that party just looking at you And I wondered if you saw me the same way I saw you then when my soul seeks and connects with your soul and you turn to look at me I'll quickly look away just to avoid that awkward moment It's crazy that it's been 31 years already Such a long time for two souls to intertwined together in a chest like...

Like the future that Always coming but never arrives, The distance between us numbs me It's hurts with each phone call or text messages It's hard to hold on to something you don't see This feeling, I wish it were like water So I could pour it away #poetry #favorsofhome in my feelings by: The ArcAngel

I had a dream, I was golden A night mare rather Because what is dreaming when you are there Chasing fantasies I've always been good at I got scared when one of them came to life like I wished it Sitting with my eyes closed next minute you were there Offering me your hand Which I was too frightened to take Too afraid I might scared you away #poetry #favorsofhome fantasies by: The ArcAngel

What is it about you That makes me lose my mind What is it Is it the soothing sound of your voice Or maybe the soft touch of your spotless skin Perhaps those warm embraces That get my blood pumping What is it about you What is it I wonder, morning to morning Sleepless night and dreamless day Your face stock in my head like a song that just won't go away What is it about you I look to your actions and it shows no evidence No Trace of your affection for me But yet I can't help but want...

Off Record There's So Much pain in the world With So many open wounds So much chaos and fear, arsenal of chores yet to be completed Sleep comes with no regards of your duties Yet responsibilities knocks before the sun even rises Better days ahead, Time heal all wounds that's what they said, Yet Tomorrow came and passed And am still hurting There's So much pain in the world, It hurts like a double edged sword straight to the heart. If I cry they'll tag me weak And if I don't, they'll...

Why So little to do With so much time When life says glamour So little life to live with so many days Counting of hours are for those with little time to live Love ones cry for they know they are selfish in love I smile for I fill the freedom at the other side of this tunnel So many years spent looking And asking why Traveled the galaxies of my mind Jumping the multiverse of my imagination Seen wonders and beauty of the universe And yet find not that which I seek only the possibilities of...

Raining Oak It's crazy how I know everyone but no one knows me They go by like the turning head of a standing fan My hello and their hello meets in the middle and my soft and tender hello comes back to me defeated Leaving me bittered like the after taste of a Grapefruit which still sting long after, upon each remembrance So I return and sit back at the base of my mind Like an oak tree It's roots run deep It keeps every record never to be forgotten Watching history repeat itself over agai...

If my heart was yours If my heart was yours Every moment would be yours Rushing home because you require my presence If my heart was yours I would go in the kitchen every other day and make your favourite meals And take you to dinner on the weekends I'll open the car door for you Cause I know how much you love That Hold your hand as we walk towards the restaurant , I'll giggle with you, showing you off letting everyone know you are mine and I yours If my heart was yours I'll whispe...

Early Christmas Like a gentle sight of a distanced star My heart is warm Like the cold air of a Christmas morning My mind is clear To Wonder in search for answers Answers to that which makes no sense The Pictures still not clear That certain smell that takes me back to my childhood Or this feeling that reminds me of her I sit and Wonder . I come here when nothing makes sense But finds peace in not knowing And sit in this empty house With the memories of my kids Staring at the glowing lights...

To be Free I do all am told to do I do All I must do to survive Yet my purpose in this realm is yet to be known I shout at the top of my voice And no one hears But the songs I sing in silence Speaks the loudest In the morning of my death We shall all gather For you it will be a mourning For me it Shall be a celebration For I will finally be free To fly and to see To feel and to touch To finally let go My mind into the wind O, what a blessing that would be Freedom freedom Freedom at last ...

Gone On days like this I like to sit outside Staring at the setting sun As it's glow slowly dimes Would she have stayed I wonder Thousands of thoughts buzzing through my mind Yet no answers I sing songs of sadness Looking at these candle you had brought They are all melting away and I fear for darkness is around the corner But I sit still anyways Because my light was gone the moment you left with yours #poetry Written by: The ArcAngel

Infinite Lines The lines casually shape themselves on the wall Unrealistically connecting from one end to the other Painting a not so perfect picture that just manages to make sense depending on my point of view They carefully hypnotizes me in a long stare Taking me from reality to a place of infinite possibilities that get me wondering 'how' did that get there But Never knowing how Yet I wonder I wonder how those two soldiers got there and why they could possibly be fighting ...