McPatrick Michael Linus
I am a Protest Poet, a Marxist, an active citizen - I speak my mind - I have no boundaries✅
Member Since: 1 year ago

#PoetryIsAlive My country, Is a crime scene, Criminals rule the roost, Crime is live on the screen And before necked eyes, but Protest outlawed, protesters labeled, Haunted and incarcerated My country, A violated virgin Rapists rape her daily Pimps gives her to pornstars Preying on her at will She's regular on beds of randy rogues Who ride her in marathon While cops and courts Watch hands akimbo My country, Now a walking corpse Starved, deprived and malnourished Chained and abused H...

The Walking Dead
#PoetryAlive Callous tax lord, Anointing us with pains, Showering us with suffering Turning us to walking dead. We're now Roaming carcasses on the streets Vision less without mission Being led by blind lepers Leading us astray Guns to our heads With vacuum stomach, We're forced to walk through torns Our feet bleeds, our head aches Our stomach rumbles, Cos starvation is in marathon We're sold false hope. Told to tarry, Yet, gaslight and bully by hailers In a state of limbo, Where all i...

The Flying Bat
#PoetryAlive A predator daily preying on us Biting and tearing us to pieces It sharp teeth hurt as it pierce our skins Leaving scars and scaring wounds. It watches nonchalant While we bleed to death It claws, scratches our skins Leaves us bleeding With it stretch mouth, it sucks us dry Drops from it mouth, Poison the little left for us A flying ugly mammal Randomly flying the world Living in isolation from rest of us But feeding fat on our fruits Providing only to it pups and colony ...

- Renewed Hopelessness -
#poetry Shortage and want in the land, Doom and gloom permeate our nation Scarcity and lack everywhere Renewed hopelessness Biting and killing us Yet, They party and merry unabated Cruise and live lavishly Depression and disillusion everywhere Starvation and deprivation lingers Stagnation and retrogradation of all Inflation and escalation of everything Hunger relocating us to the cemetery Yet, Enough for their greeds None for our needs By: McPatrick Michael Linus (C) July, 2024

Lagos boys Economy
#poetry Lagos Boys Economy Lagos boys economy, Crushing and quashing us Unleashing pain on us Milking us dry Pushing us to the brim Lagos Boys economy, Turning us to baggers Starving and Impoverishing Putting us on the edge Leading us to early graves By: McPatrick Michael Linus (C) June, 2024

Wicked Wig
#poetry - Wicked Wig - Wicked Wig, Like Shakespearean's tragic hero, Consumed with inordinate ambition Full of hubris. His diction, Reckless and careless Lacking decorum. His utterance, Not seasoned with salt. And like a lost hunter's dog, Can't hear the sounds of whistle. While on the platform, He throws caution to the dogs Wicked Wig, A rabble rouser, Pesky and mischievous, Egotistic and haughty, A narcissistic fellow. Too opinionated and arrogant, Exhibiting idiosyncrasies of Lucifer An...

#poetry I'm Tired I'm tired of adjusting Just to fit in Tired of aligning to meet up Tired of living a debased life Where basic are out of reach And all I need eludes me I'm tired of 'formula 0-1-0' Tired of watching everything Hit the rooftop And I helplessly watch Tired of feeling my stomach Rumbling and keeping me awake I'm tired of window shopping Because I can't afford nothing And everything out of reach Tired of roaming like a vagabond And returning with my pocket Completely...

One year of "Shege'" (Pt. 2)
#Poetry One year of 'shege' (Pt. 2) One year of sycophancy, Flattering and hailing A year of praise singing One year of hypocrisy Rhetorics and lips service A year for the spin doctors One year of deception Hallucination and illusion A year of wild goose chase One year of hubris Grandstanding and stiff-necked A year of fools paradise One year of Ineptitude, Cluelessness, gross incompetence A year of nonstarter One year of ridicules Mockery and reproaches A year full of scanda...

ONE YEAR OF "Shege'"
#poetry ONE YEAR OF 'shege' (Pt. 1) One year of travesty, Absurdity and rascality A year of impunity One year of victimization Persecution and prosecution A year without a conviction One year of punishment, Disenchantment and disgruntlement A year of disappointment One year of anarchy, Chaos, catastrophe and terror A year of extreme horror One year of oppression, Suppression and deprivation A year of starvation One year of chains, Handcuffs and shackles A year of imprisonment ...

#Poetry Crying sky Angry sky Finally cry down it many tears Though we tarry guessing After much rumbling and vexation Tears finally rush down it face The earth smile and Comes alive The soil is baptize and Dirts gives way to freshness Vegetation is birth Tiller rejoice and Rushes to field Singing and dancing As they plough in delight In awhile, There's enough In abundance as we merry because Want and lack are chase away By: McPatrick Michael Linus (C) May, 2024

#peotry WHEN? When shall this hurt end And my many pains expire Remaining not again When shall I taste the pleasure of life And experience the best Not existing - a shadow of self For too long, I've been an inhabitant of sorrow and pains All good evade me My tears has been my drink I survive by hurts and pains that Consumes my soul Nightmares and darkest part of nights Have been my companion And boredom my spouse My nights have been sleepless Trepidation frightens me I wake and pace a...

Prayers to mailbox Prayers to mailbox, Euphemism for thievery By it, Looters loot unrestrained Living ostentatiously Prayers to mailbox, Euphemism for embezzlement By it, They steal our commonwealth Living extravagantly Prayers to mailbox, Euphemism for corruption By it, They siphon our resources Living outlandishly By: McPatrick Michael Linus (C) 2024

#Poetry - Brave and patriotic heroes - To you who stay up wake, And keep all night, Risking it all, facing death While I sleep and snore I stand still and salute you all You great men of valour Men of courage, strength and Might Heroes with heroic spirit Tirelessly battling our foes I respect and salute you all You defenders of our land Towering mighty men of arms Out there among wild-thick thorns Strong triggers pullers I stand attention in your honour You our protectors, Confront...

#Poetry - My Friend And Foe - Was scared and perplexed. No! Was frightened, horrified and In the state of limbo I panicked and quivered all through Left in the darkest cold night alone terrified My soul trembled and hurt so deeply Panic and pains pricked me In my state of terror and torment, I wept and shivered all night My heart kicked and jumped out All of me was in suspense and messed up Trepidation gripped me Was coerced and tortured endlessly Uncertainty lured and threatened me ...

#Poetry Bleeding Plateau Bleeding Plateau, In the eve of yuletide, while we gear up Demons invade and massacre all Slaughtered and littered flesh Onslaught on citadel of peace and harmony Bleeding Plateau, Aggressors assault and slaughtered Spreading bullets with ease Attacking and Butchering Arbitrary slaughtering unrestrained Genocide in our land Bleeding Plateau, Bloodbath to eliminating bloodline Marauders monsters on the prowl Ethic and religious cleansing Wanton killing of ...

- Lamentation - Lamentation, Now our daily meal Steady on the menu We're served hot and fresh From the kitchen of our oppressors Lamentation, Like it's siblings; Wailing and complaining Now our national anthem We chorus it around everyday Our new nomenclature Lamentation, The aftermath of mediocre on the throne Product of ineptitude and incompetency Though their apologists bully and blackmail us Yet we wail and lament Lamentation, Their many campaign promises Long kicked the bucket L...

#Poetry V-I-C-T-I-M-S We're victims because, We're indifferent to our plights We're victims because, We're docile and all silent We're victims because, We stand akimbo and watch We're victims because, We're in bed with our foes We're victims because, We failed to rise We're victims because, We're in love with our chains We're victims because,...

#Poetry - Fake Bishops - Fake bishops Threw ethics to the dogs Hypnotized by agreed Procure to get a piece of the giveaway In cassocks, Unanimously in a row With price tags Looking awful without etiquettes Naively adorn in holy garments All stressed, depressed but without grace Like Street urchins, They press in Lacking courtesy and decorum Ethics thrown to the bin Unknown God's men Political hirelings without ethics Scampering for space Hired to polish oppressors scheme See them queue up...

#Poetry - Toxic hope - Toxic hope Polluting our airwaves Poisoning our breathing space Toxic hope, Oozing out bad breath Spreading halitosis Toxic hope, Stinking and offensive Contaminating the air Toxic hope, Cancerous and deadly unhealthy and harmful Toxic hope, Another big time scam To keep us abate Toxic hope Toxic indeed Poisoning, killing us all Toxic hope, To hoodwink and conditioned us For easy manipulation Toxic hope, Deception got rebranded For easy sell 'Renewed h...

#Poetry - Propagandists - All 'em Hailers, High propensity for mischiefs Full time liars, Nauseating and sickening All 'em Praise singers, Wagging their tongues Spreading hate speeches Tearing us apart All 'em Flatters, Faking and selling fake hopes Throwing tantrums unrestrained, Daily provoking us All 'em Spin-doctors Liars and hypocrites Carriers of fake news Like Satan's ass, their breath stinks All 'em sycophan...

#Poetry - Absurd - With our sweat, They fund frivolities With impunity With our Commonwealth, Their ostentatious taste Is a priority With our oil money, There's enough for their greeds But none for our needs With taxpayer's money There's so much for their luxury But not enough for us With our collective resources, Their extravagant lifestyle Is top on scale of preference With our wealth, Their flamboyant living Is daily nurture and fed With little left for us, They cornered for th...

#Poetry - My country - My country, Crooks in charged Abusers of functions Ambushed thrones and allocate Juicy spots to selves and cronies My country, Despots on throne, Rule the roost with impunity Exploit and deprive us Unleashed pains so excruciating My country, Arbitrariness order of today Untamed, unchecked randomness Cronyism, nepotism and tribalism Reign supreme with impunity My country, Full of clumsy morons Mean men reign All incompetent and complacent Grossly inefficient M...

#Poetry - Despots - See 'em despots So oppressive and heartless Promoters of tyranny and anarchy Ruling with fist hands Coercing the people to order Insensitive and intolerant Lacking sympathy and empathy Looking furious and dangerous Completely oblivious of the obvious Gaslighted and hypnotized 'em subjects Conditioned their minds For easy manipulation Compelling 'em into aloofness So to ride on their ignorant By: McPatrick Michael Linus (C) March, 2023

#Poetry A-P-C APC, All Promises Cancelled Conglomerates of looters in one Merged to share our wealth Association, full of charlatans Who are after theirs alone Mediocre and crime personas, Championing their greed Mean men meant To be in cuffs APC, Asi.... Personal company Shabby assembly so horrible Aimed at, Ambushing the throne ...

#Poetry Sycophants Blindfolded and irrational They coerce us To join the bandwagon Of narcissistic sycophantic Enterprises Their brains, right in their stomach For the crumbs, They shoot at random Quick to unleash absurdities on us They stand in ovation, Applauding their kingpins Without a thought Set to stab, Ready to murder Acting irrational and sickening For the crumbs they get, They're in-love with their chains Taking bullets for masters So neauseating and satanically Raining ...

#Poetry - Woes - Woe unto you, Flatters, sycophants And hailers of our oppressors. You're so engrossed in their Deceits, rhetorics and gimmicks Hence blind your eyes to the many evils They rain upon you Woe unto you, Spin-doctors and mouthpiece of our foes. You load your bellies with The crumbs they throw at you Hence mount the podium, Lie to us, and Conceal the truth Woe to you citizens, For being at eased in your poverty And lack Comfortable in your ignorant Hence, Can't sight beyond...

#Poetry - Baba Apapa - Baba Apapa, Procured to foiled our labour Positioned to dissipate our struggle To reclaim our stolen mandate Iscariot among the twelve A fifth columnist within A receiver of pieces of silver Stationed to impede justice Baba Apapa, A complete nuisance Mockery to his lineage A wolf in sheep clothing Implant of our foes A renowned charlatan Threw decorum to the dogs Caused a scene in citadel of justice To perfect intrigued of his remunerators But co-labourers Thwarted h...

#Poetry - We can't breathe - 'Eye-neck President' Suffocating us all Milking us dry Quest for outlandish wealth Makes him insensitive to our plights Ambushed power only To torment and quash us In a twinkle of an eye All things skyrock to heaven Amist abundance and plenty We lack and beg Starving to death The basic beyond our reach Can't even lift hands to mouth Amist these Armageddon Sycophants and flatters hail him Sons of perdition continue to spin Praise-singing him to hell Will surely...

#Poetry - Worse State - Oppression so intensed, Send us into Intensive unit without care Bundled us into pains so excruciating, Pushed us into graves In our prime Our fathers, To keep the home, Are put on edge Our mothers, Trade themselves To keep us breathing Our sons, Forced into the streets To roam like vagabonds Our daughters, Made to embraced The oldest profession for survival...

#Poetry Paradox Their inordinate ambition fuels Anarchy in the land Quest to remain in power Against all odds Breeds and nurtures impunity Their lavish and ostentatious Taste, shoots prices into the sky Inflation pierce us through and through In abundant, we starved to death While they watch hands akimbo Theirs, a priority Ours, an afterthought Enough for their greeds None for our needs Nepotism, cronyism and tribalism Reigns supreme By: McPatrick Michael Linus (C) September, 2023

V-I-C-T-I-M-S We're victims because, We're indifferent to our plights We're victims because, We're docile and all silent We're victims because, We stand akimbo and watch We're victims because, We're in bed with our foes We're victims because, We failed to rise We're victims because, We're in love with our chains We're victims because, We choose ...