Madeaux Podcasts
Member Since: 1 year ago

Menisms SE02Ep03 - How to Say No to a Woman
Still on Platonic friendships, the guys go solo this time to share personal experiences going from their teenage years and how that has shaped their relationships with female friends. Be sure to follow us across all social media platforms @menismspod. And don't forget to follow @madeauxafrica for more amazing content. Videopod drops every Thursday at noon on Madeaux Africa YouTube Channel.

Menisms SE02Ep02 - Can Men and Women Be Just Platonic Friends?
This is one episode you have lowkey been waiting for. On this episode, Menisms meets Lowkey Relatable to discuss the possibilities or complexities of men and women friendships. Get a popcorn, gather your friends, this is an episode of a lifetime. Be sure to follow us across all social media platforms @menismspod, also follow @madeauxafrica for more amazing content.

Menisms SE02Ep01 - IJGB Babes vs Lagos Babes
Menisms Podcast is back with a bang! And on this first episode, our hosts talk about their unique experiences with IJGB (I Just Got Back) babes and Lagos babes every December. You'll definitely enjoy this one. Be sure to follow us across all social media platforms @menismspod and follow @madeauxafrica as well.

Menisms SE01Ep22 (S1 Finale) - WoMenisms, Twin Sex and Wild Fans Secrets
You asked for it and we answered! On this special season's finale of Menisms, we are joined by Malobi and Tomisin to give women's perspective on some of the wild experiences you our fans shared with us. Prepare for chaos guys LOL! You're in for an episode of a lifetime. We'll also be sharing other wild experiences on our social media platforms at @menismspod and @madeauxhq. Don't forget to share, like and follow.

Menisms SE01Ep21 - The Things Men do for Sex and Women
What's the weirdest and craziest thing you've ever done to get some? This is a no holds barred kinda episode where our hosts go all out to talk about their weirdest sexual experiences and some crazy things they've had to do. It's funny, interesting and you'll hear some things that would make your eyes pop LOL! Make sure you have a snack handy because you're going to need it while listening to this one. Follow us on all social media platforms @menismspod and @madeauxhq

Menisms SE01Ep20 - Trauma
We've all had one traumatic experience at one point in our lives. Those experiences have stuck with us for so long and for some maybe even for life. The truth is, trauma hits us in different ways and it's even possible you've had a traumatic experience that's shaping how you react to certain things without you even knowing it. It could be as simple as not being able to jump over a gutter like Olumurwa or an unexplainable fear of sharp objects or fire. What about high school trauma? The bullying ...

Menisms SE01Ep19 - Ghosting
If you've been ghosted before, you'll agree that it can seem so awkward because you start to ask yourself different questions. Especially when you were ghosted by someone you really cared about. It can even make you feel inadequate so much that you start to regret ever making that move in the first place. Our hosts touch on all this in this very episode as well as some reasons why people ghost or get ghosted. Don't forget to like, subscribe and follow us across all our social media platforms on ...

Menisms SE01Ep18 - Dating Coworkers ft. Efa Iwara and Dare Olaitan
Where do you really draw the line when it comes to work, money and romance? What do you do when a casual work relationship gets complicated? Like really complicated that it starts to take a toll on the job. Yeah, you may have been caught up in this web before or know someone who's probably facing the music right now. Michael and Murewa are joined by actor Efa Iwara and movie director Dare Olaitan in this very episode to talk about this and more. It's definitely a must listen! Four mo...

Menisms SE01Ep17 - Lagos is Small
Six more episodes to the end of this season of Menisms guys! Have you been haunted by the age-old "are you not the son/daughter of...?" Do you have any weird or funny "Lagos is small" experiences? This episode is for you. Drop a comment, like, subscribe, share and follow us on all our social media platforms @menismspod and @madeauxhq. You can also watch the video pod every Thursday on the @Madeaux YouTube channel.

Menisms SE01Ep16 - Abusive Relationships Among Men
In a society where men are labelled strong for burying their emotions and suffering in silence, one cannot but wonder if men really get abused. On this episode, our hosts tap into very deep heart to heart conversations on manipulation, emotional abuse and what goes on in the mind of every potential abuser. It's a good listen! Be sure to like, subscribe and follow us on all our social media platforms @menismspod and @madeuaxhq. You can also watch the video pod released every Thursday on the @Made...

Menisms SE01Ep15 - My University Experience
For a lot of us, our time in the university was when we got our first whiff of self-discovery. But discovering ourselves is not the only part of this conversation. Looking at our hosts, they're of two very different university backgrounds and each story is relatively different. If you are in university or maybe you're done with Uni. When you think back on it, what memories do you have? a lot of good ones? or bad ones? What was your school application process like? did you even have a say i...

Menisms SE01Ep14 - Nigeria is After my Life ft. Fresh L (DRB)
Having to live and exist in Nigeria is honestly quite exhausting. Regardless of the fact that the country does have its perks in some way, the "not so great" outweighs the good. In one way or another, Nigeria has come after us in more ways than one. Sometimes similarly or very differently. This week, along with the guys, we have a special guest on our mic, @freshldrb. He joins the guys in discussing the various ways Nigeria has been out to get us all. You'd like this one. It hits ver...

Menisms SE01EP13 - Relationships with my Father
There is no one set in stone rule when it comes to how your relationship with your Nigerian father should be. The conventional Nigerian father is strict and blunt. But not in all cases. Some Nigerian fathers have a father/son and friendship relationship with their kids. But not all. How would you describe your relationship with your father? A question to follow that up is; when you tell your father you love him, what does he say? This right here, is a lit episode, as you would get to...

Menisms - SE01Ep12 - The Hustle ft Adebesin Adewunmi(@thatbankheadboy)
The Hustle: Simply put, the work you do that puts food on your table and sets your family right. This week on the Menisms pod, we're about The hustle. So if you're listening to this, you're either in the hustle stage, or you have been about that life and crossed that stage. In some sense, we're all in our hustle stage. We also have a guest on this episode, Adebesin Adewunmi (@thatbankheadboy). The founder of The Truth Beach Club, he tells us about his hustle. You're going to enjoy this one...

Menisms SE01Ep11 - Post-nut Clarity
Everyone experiences some form of post-nut clarity. It could either be of a negative impact or a positive one. Post-nut clarity is a form of realization or closure that comes to you immediately after you bust a nut. This now brings up the thoughts of whether it was a worthy nut or not. Would you like to have this feeling again? or is it a one and done? Maybe you didn't know what it was at the time, but after this episode, you're definitely going to have things in perspective. Don't forget ...

Menisms SE01Ep10 - Bad Sexual Experiences ft. Anny Robert
Some sexual experiences are just absolutely bizarre, and you'll only remember them for how ridiculous they were. This week we're talking about; Bad Sexual Experiences. @sonariwoondeck and @olumurewa are going to be sharing their experiences. But this week though, we're going to be sharing those experiences with a guest, Anny Roberts, a renowned Nigerian A-List photographer. Be sure to like, subscribe and follow us on all our social media platforms on @menismspod and @madeauxhq

Menisms SE01Ep09 - Self-discovery
Finding yourself might sound like a very cliché narrative. But not knowing who you are shapes the life decisions you make, your relationships, your personal life and even work life. You can't be your best self and give your best to those around you if you don't know what your best is and who you are. It's important to understand yourself, what you like and don't like. A lot of men don't know who they are and it tells in everything they do. Be sure to follow us across all our social ...

Menisms SE01Ep08 - Will Smith & Chris Rock, Ruger and More March Madness
What an eventful week we've had, with Chris Rock getting slapped by Will Smith right in front of Hollywood, to Ruger being sexually violated while performing and also being involved in a squabble online with Dj DimpleNipple who accused his boss D Prince of inviting her to a hotel for the wrong reasons while all he asked for was a business meeting. Listen to @sonariwoondeck & @olumurewa unpack all of it. Be sure to like, subscribe, and follow us on all our social media on @menisms...

Menisms SE01Ep07 - Red Flags & Catfishing
Apparently, your face isn't the only thing you can catfish. You can catfish your personality too! In this episode of Menisms, @olumurewa, and @sonariwoondeck give you a breakdown on certain red flags you may or may not have been aware of as well as personality catfish traits. This was a fun one to make. Be sure to engage. You can also watch the video pod released every Thursday on the @Madeauxhq YouTube channel. Also, follow us on @menismspod and @madeauxhq on all our social media pl...

Menisms SE01Ep06 - Dating Different Age Brackets
There's definitely a different feel you experience when it comes to dating someone within you age bracket. But what do you think it feels like to date someone older or just a little bit younger than you? According to @olumurewa and @sonariwoon deck, on this episode of menisms, it doesn't all feel the same. Each age bracket comes with an absolutely different feel. This is a fun episode. You'll enjoy your listen. Be sure to follow us on all our social media on @menismspod and @madeauxh...

Menisms SE01Ep5 - What is Consent?
The topic of sexual consent in our society is a very sensitive one. However, have you ever wondered in-depth about what goes on in a man's head when it comes to the topic of consent? In this episode of Menisms, @olumurewa and @sonariwoondeck educate us on aspects of Consent that men may or may not have paid attention to. It's alot, but it's the best one yet. To watch this episode on YouTube, head on to our channel: MadeauxHQ, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok @menismspod!

Menisms SE01Ep04 - Commitment Issues and Temptations
What makes you want to commit to a significant other? are you easily swayed by temptations? How hard is it to commit to another human and how hard is it to resist temptations? These are some of the questions that @olumurewa and @sonariwoondeck answer in this week's episode of Menisms. To watch this episode on YouTube, head on to our channel: MadeauxHQ, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok @menismspod!

Menisms SE01Ep03 - Men Vs. Financial and Societal Expectations
Society has a perception of what the ideal Nigerian man should be like, and how much he should have in his bank account. Sometimes it's hard being a man because there is so much pressure on who should be and how much you should have by the time you're 30. It's just so exhausting sometimes, you know? @olumurewa and @sonariwoondeck give us a breakdown in this episode and let us know how a man really feels with these pressures. We'll tell you one thing, it's a packed episode. To watch ...

Menisms SE01Ep02 - Sexual Performance Anxiety
Sexual Performance Anxiety. What does it do to your confidence as a man? It's not abnormal you know. Every man has experienced it at some point in their life. But did you know that every man has a "thing" that makes him anxious when it comes to sexual performance? In this episode, you'll get to hear some of the many reasons why men find it hard to get it up sometimes. To watch this episode on YouTube, head on to our channel: MadeauxHQ, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok...

Menisms SE01Ep01 - The Lagos Dating Experience
There is a difference between Dating and Dating in Lagos. On today's episode, Olumurewa and Sonariwo give you a breakdown of what it feels like for a Lagos man in the dating pool as well as the wildest dating experiences. Apparently, your girlfriend may not be really yours...