Kareem Habeeb
A graduate of history and a trained education manager with abundance love for poem.
Member Since: 1 year ago

In a country where there's abundant sun shine and reliable rainfall, yet people, probably those who worked hard, goes hungry. And the high class individuals fill their belly with fortunes enough to liberate paupers from their mysteries. Can we say that that country is forsaken by their Creator or they've forsaken themselves, blindly? #mythoughts

Title: In the Glorious day Written by: Terungua Baba Date: 03/08/2023 Comes the glorious days When the ear-blocked Listens to the chripin of birds And dance to their tones. In the glorious days When the blinds sees Recognizing the glittering of God and Silver While in the glorious days When the ache is not known When the ache is not feeled Immunie from pain. But would that day comes Like a thunder strike or Like a turtoise Reaching for its food?