Manifestation Jayeoba
Manifestation Jayeoba

Manifestation Jayeoba

Member Since: 4 months ago

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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#NircleStories♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 85(FINALE) DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By;Lovely Library ★ "Fuçking fûck... You're my whole fuçking world, Noah. I do" he muttered. A big smile exploded on Emory's face, and he buried his face in her breàsts, greedily breathing in the smell of her cherry.. She dipped her fingers in his brown hair, stroking it to the scalp. He groaned into her chest, his face resting in a more relaxed way...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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#NircleStories ♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 83&84 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ The second bullet hit one of the girls, and at the same time, Master X's men opened fire on Fred himself, targeting his legs only. Rain fell on her knees, blood spurting out of her mouth and painting her chin down to her neck. She's actually the one who got hit on the forehead by Fred's bullet, and as she went down, Nina stood frozen, f...

Hola it's my birthday
Manifestation Jayeoba

Hola it's my birthday

#HelloNircle On this beautiful day 14years ago I was born. January 12 speaks about me. Happy birthday to me

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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#NircleStories ♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 81&82 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library LIKE, REPLY TO MY COMMENTS, DROP URS #UNEDITED ★ Her butt landed on the broken glass, and her prosthetic leg slipped off, breaking away. Tate's eyes widened, even Omar and Romeo who're standing by the rails weren't excluded from the shock. Their eyes showed the magnitude, seems they weren't aware of it either. Fred isn't even looking ...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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#NircleStories ♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 79&80 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library. LIKE, REPLY TO MY COMMENTS, DROP URS AND SHARE. ★ Layla ran out, and Rebekah caught the chocolate bag, but that didn't affect the ongoing drama. Not even for a bit. Levi wasn't just kissing Emory, he was eating up her face, and she had no control over his wildness since her hands are pinned and her legs clipped and folded She could...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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#NircleStories ♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 77&78 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library LIKE, REPLY TO MY COMMENTS, DROP URS AND SHARE. "B...B...BJ?" Her voice came in a broken stutter, and a smile formed on BJ's tricky face as Levi went still, his back still on him. "Hush, baby. I'm not here to kill your sweetheart" BJ said, but before he could take another breath, Levi already spun around, and despite the fact that Emory is ...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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#NircleStories♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 75&76 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library LIKE, REPLY TO MY COMMENTS, DROP URS AND SHARE. ★ Silence descended in the room for about three seconds after the voice message stopped, but throughout the three seconds of silence, all eyes were widely opened except Levi who has a deep frown on his face and a big rumple between his dark brows. He looks like he just found out the most imp...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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#NircleStories ♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 73&74 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library LIKE, REPLY TO MY COMMENTS, DROP URS AND SHARE. ★ "I'm such a disgrace to motherhood... I'm a disgrace!!!!!... The sound of her tears brought Adrian upstairs, and immediately the door to her room opened, she quickly pushed the papers under the bed and spranged up, wiping her tears. Adrian came in, but he didn't step close to her. He rema...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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#NircleStories ♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 71&72 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ FEW MINUTES LATER* Two doctors are already in the ward with more nurses, all busy with checking Levi's consciousness status. Nurse Layla couldn't hide her excitement, her face might just tear off if she smiles wider than she's doing right now, and then there's another thing... Her heart is racing. She has been seeing Levi every sing...

Manifestation Jayeoba


#poetry DREAMS Every day I look at the mirror I see Stories untold, Dreams unfulfilled and a Quest for success quenched in deep waters. I wanna be as free as a bird and fly away in the morning, going around the world fulfilling dreams, rewriting stories and sailing the deepest waters. Even if the world says NO I want to be the only one saying YES, I want my hope to rewrite history and soar high through the world and let the whole universe know that, I didn't worry about what I saw in the...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 69&70 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library LIKE, REPLY TO MY COMMENTS, DROP URS AND SHARE. ★ "My father owns a casino in Spain, and my mother is Chinese... My name is Silver, Silver Banks" Emory's mouth hung unbelievably open as she stared at the lady in front of her. It's like her ears just deceived her, and she direly wishes for a repeat but she's too shell-shocked to ask. The room suddenl...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 67&68 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By;Lovely Library LIKE, REPLY TO MY COMMENTS, DROP URS AND SHARE. ★ FIVE MINUTES LATER* The downpour of water over Emory's face made her eyes fly open. She propped herself to a sitting position, and immediately she saw her environment is still same, she began crying. "Aww, poor thing" the girl said apathetically. "You should go into the bathroom and clean up. Your mens...

Hola, it's Christmas
Manifestation Jayeoba

Hola, it's Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my dear fans Am waiting for your address, I want to come and collect my phone rice. It's December 25th, the Lord's Birthday. I wish all my Nircle family, a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year #NircleStories #NircleEntertainment #NircleLifestyle #NircleSociety #NircleNeighbour #NircleCommunity #NirclePoetry #NircleNotes #NircleArt #HelloNircle #4daystonewyear #MerryChristnas #StaySafe#StayHealthy

It's Christmas Eve
Manifestation Jayeoba

It's Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve Just a few hours to Christmas time

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 65&66 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️' By; Lovely Library Like, Reply To My Comments, Drop Urs & Share . ★ "Fuuucckk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... No.... Fûck, fûck!!!!!!.... Xhen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Emory's terror-ridden voice rode throughout the warehouse in strong wavelengths, and she could feel her world shattering to smithereens. It's over. It's fuçking over. Her cry of horror was cut short when Rain jammed an i...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 63&64 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Naomi Cindy B. LIKE, REPLY TO MY COMMENTS, DROP URS AND SHARE ★ "The third and fourth bullet will be for you both if you fuçking touch her. You feel me?" His voice cut through the thick tension in the air, leaving chills in the throats of everyone in the room. Levi's eyes changed expressions close to ten times in a minute, but all the expressions are not close to go...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 59&60 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Naomi Cindy B. LIKE, REPLY TO MY COMMENTS, DROP URS AND SHARE. DON'T LET ME BAN YOU FOR NOT DOING ANY OF THE ABOVE, ELSE YOU'RE GONE FROM THIS PAGE. ★ "One more, father-in-law" Levi said, and Mr. Carson's eyes came wide with a scoff. "This little... He made to go closer to him again, but Emory pushed Levi back while Tate and Hazzan pulled Mr. Carson. Despite that, M...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 57&58 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ "Fuçking Noah" he replied, and then his lips came crashing on hers in the most dominating kiss ever. Emory quickly grabbed his shirt by each sides, knotting it in her palms as she responded to the kiss in the fastest pace she has ever went. The skin around her lips reddened as a result of the wildness of the kiss, and she's so sure one of them will ge...

Happy Sunday Famz
It's the third Sunday
Manifestation Jayeoba

Happy Sunday Famz It's the third Sunday

Happy Sunday Famz It's the third Sunday in the month of December #9daystochristmas #15daystonewyear Jesu e to Tobi to

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 55&56 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library LIKE, REPLY TO ALL MY COMMENTS, DROP URS AND SHARE. ★ "Because I'll never say it back, Emory" he muttered. Emory froze, and she could see her heart falling at her feet. She could imagine Levi trampling on it, stepping on it and marching it into the puddles. That blank look is in his eyes as he said it, and Emory couldn't stop another tear which rolled ...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 53&54 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library LIKE, REPLY TO MY COMMENTS, DROP URS AND SHARE ★ " ..yes--" Isaac groaned out as she closed her mouth on his shaft, and his hand went to her hair. He fisted it, and she smiled despite her position, thinking he's gonna pull her closer, but instead, he flipped her away, and she fell against the wall. Isaac quickly pulled up his pants and was still...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 51&52 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library FEW MINUTES LATER* Rain and Fred are already seated inside the small living room. She's holding his right arm so tight, staring at his face as if to engrave it in her memory again. Fred has a light smile on his face, and she slowly smiled too, resting her head on his arm fondly. "What took you so long? I waited for years" she said, pain evident in her v...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 49&50 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ SAME NIGHT, 9PM~CARSON'S MANSION* Emory lay quietly on her bed, her eyes fuçking puffy and her lashes wet with tears. She's curved into a ball, scrolling through her galley and staring at the pictures she snapped with Lizzy alone, and the ones the four of them snapped together. Their girlfriend date at the beach last year summer,, Rebekah's birthday ...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 47&48 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ "Hi, North" She let out a loud crooked laughter afterwards, bringing down her hand and leaning on the glass. "I forgot you stopped breathing. You're dead! Courtesy of your brother. Bro got tired of the bullying" She grinned, stepping closer to the wardrobe, but she immediately stepped back, holding her nose. "Darm it, you now smell? I guess the body p...

Manifestation Jayeoba

@naijaentertainment @naijalifestyle #NircleStories #NircleEntertainment #NircleLifestyle #HelloNircle #NircleNeighbour

@naijaentertainment @naijalifestyle #NircleStories #NircleEntertainment #NircleLifestyle #HelloNircle #NircleNeighbour

Manifestation Jayeoba

Wishing you 15days to Christmas

#NircleBlog #NircleEntertainment #naijaentertainment #NircleCommunity #NircleSociety #NircleNeighbour #countdowntonewyear #countdowntochristmas Wishing you; 15 days, 15 hrs, 11 min, 30sec To a Merry Christmas

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 45&46 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ Emory fisted the sheets, feeling empty in the head as she poured moans on moans and fuçking moans into his sweet mouth. Her gasps were wordless, and her moans endless as he kissed into her throat, devouring her mouth. She was chasing her own breaths as he grabbed the other nîpple too between his forefinger and thumb, twirling it with a harshness tha...


Happy Sunday Famz
Manifestation Jayeoba

#NircleSociety #SundayVibes #NircleCommunity #HelloNircle Happy Sunday Famz

#NircleSociety #SundayVibes #NircleCommunity #HelloNircle Happy Sunday Famz It's the beginning of the second week of December

Manifestation Jayeoba

#SundayVibes #NircleStories #NircleSociety #HelloNircle #NircleShorts #NircleCommunity #NircleNeighbour

#SundayVibes #NircleStories #NircleSociety #HelloNircle #NircleShorts #NircleCommunity #NircleNeighbour 23 days to New Year #StaySafe #StayHealthy

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 43&44 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ Conrad and Hyce jumped over the table, running madly out of the library. Rebekah and the others followed. No one believed their eyes when they arrived at the restroom wing. The door is on fire already, and it's spreading to the walls. Choky smokes are rushing out of the room from the door spaces. "Shit! Shit Emory!!!!" Nina screamed in horror. Sy...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 41&42 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ Emory stayed in his arms for what looks like forever, and like magic, her body temperature started going down. Levi hugged her tighter, diving his fingers into her dark sleek hair and allowing her to find calmness in his embrace__and his scent. He broke the hug after five long minutes, and when her face came back to him, he he dabbed the streaks of tea...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 39&40 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library • YOU WANT THE BODY BACK? YOU WANT YOUR SECRET SAFE? THEN KILL EMORY CARSON. The phone fell from Omar's shaky fingers, landing on the soil then sliding into the pit from there. "Who the this?" He muttered, blood draining from his face. "If you're confident enough show me your damn face!!!" He yelled, standing on his feet. His voice echoed ...

Happy New Month
Manifestation Jayeoba

Happy New Month

Happy New Month Welcome to the month of DECEMBER Happy First Sunday of the month 30 days from now we will enter a New Year.. #NircleStories #NircleBlog #NircleCommunity #NircleEntertainment #NircleArt #NircleSociety #HelloNircle #Nircle #HappyNewMonth

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 37&38 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By: Lovely Library ★ The snappy sounds coming from the kiss filled the bathroom, and Emory's quirky breaths worsened everything. She sounds like a wolf in heat, but despite the overwhelming desire to give in, she still fought it. It'd have been better if Rain isn't in here with them, but she's here... right here, watching them. She pushed Levi's rigid chest, but that on...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 35&36 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ "I'm coming for you too, Banks... I'll kill you!" He said, laughing sickly. The laughter was continuous for minutes, and when he took another look at the grave, he stopped, remembering what he found out earlier. He recognized the tattoo on the arms of the hitmen during the beating he received, so he searched for their location and went in search of th...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 33&34 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ "Take that jersey off right now, little fox, or I'll fuçking rip it off you" Gasps cracked again. Levi's image joined Emory's on the LED screen, and the way his eyes are peering at her right now is so scary that it'd make the frail fall on her knees. Rebekah shifted back, and Emory's deviant eyes met with his own, but no matter the obstinacy, his dar...

Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 31&32 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ Her bag fell... Her breathing seized... And Omar removed his cap. Emory's eyes sockets couldn't contain the wideness that happened as Levi's second hand joined the first one on her @ss. He cupped the backside in his palms, and at the same time, he brought her closer so there's no space between them anymore. Her breàsts pushed his chest, and that ma...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 29&30 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By;Lovely Library. ★ "From the metropolitan police station. Levi Banks, you're under arrest for the murder of five Legacy college students at Forte" their commander said, and Emory rushed forward. "What do you mean murder?" She questioned. Levi has this confident smirk on his lips as he stared at the cops. He could kill all the six and paint this Loft with their blood rig...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 27&28 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ Omar couldn't finish his statement when Emory pulled him in, crashing her lips on his own. All eyes popped madly, especially Omar's. It's like his legs left the ground, and he's currently flying on the galaxy. He couldn't believe his eyes, and he couldn't close them either. No movement though, Emory only kept her lips on his, staying still like that...

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Manifestation Jayeoba

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♥️🚩RÊD FLÂGS🚩♥️ (Badasses•Bad•Jerks) ________________ CHAPTER 25&26 DON'T COPY OR REPOST ‼️ By; Lovely Library ★ "Wrong" Levi rolled his eyes devilishly, throwing the sword at Chadwick. The blade flew forward, but before it could get to Chadwick, he was fast to grab one of his remaining members, blocking himself with the guy. The sword sliced down the head of the guy, and it joined the other four on the ground before the body fell with a loud thud. Chadwick did...

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