Ekwere Itoro
Poet/Spoken Word Artiste/Copywriter
Member Since: 1 year ago

Dear water 💦 You've being my 99% Right from infant. Cleaning, detoxifying and rejuvenating. Your duty is your duty, And no one can take your place. Coca-cola tried but failed. Pepsi tried but couldn't break the Guinness Book of Record. Your place na your your place. I know it's not pride You're just doing your job. Dear Water 💦 I would've written this in form of an essay But I'm busy So I choose this format instead To state my points in clear terms. Listen, the world has adulterate you....

Follow For Follow
Let's follow each other. Let's grow our circle. #hellonircle #nirclegrowth

What does green, white and green feel
What does green, white and green feel like without calling it by name. #NirclePoetry #Spokenword #NircleContent

May your days be fill with laughter. May your days be fill be with joy. Happy Saturday. #Nircle #Poetry

Black Woman, Beautiful Woman Golden was the
Black Woman, Beautiful Woman Golden was the voice that spoke through you, golden was the seed of boldness you sowed in the minds of black women, energizing them to face the world cause the world has became a room filled with limitations, limiting their thoughts, their imaginations, limiting how fast they fly and dream, for to the world, their dreams were invalid. Phenomenal woman, you stood firm and became a rock for others to lean on, to rest on. You became a beacon of hope for blac...

It Can Only Be God
Cheers to how far we've come, cheers to the struggles that kept us going. It can only be God.

Life is awesome when you are surrounded by supportive friends. #nirclelove #communitylove

I'm Valing You
Love is what I see when I look at you. Love is what I imagine when our eyes meet. I've tried countless times to extract you from me and me from you, but the molecule that runs in our veins are too minutes. I've tried many times to attract your attention but you are always too close, and your closeness makes me nervous, and my nervousness watered the words and I swallowed them back as saliva. I heard love is blind, so I write all my poems in braille. #ValentineOnNircle

It's 2024
I'm Evolving ❣️ I'm Becoming ❣️ 🎉 Happy New Year 2024 #NircleNation #Welcome2024 #2024BeGoodToMe #HappyNewYear2024🎉

How To Level Up in 2024
✅ Have personal relationship with God. ✅ Know your purpose on earth. ✅ Stay away from places, things, and friends who are firefighters to your journey. ✅ Learn new skill like writing, graphic designing, forex, website designing, copywriting, speaking, and digital marketing. ✅ Stay relevant by learning how to write remarkably. ✅ Know when to say No and when to say Yes, it's not pride. ✅ Save before spending and also learn to save for rainy days. ✅ ...

Tips for life
Your certificate might not be the propelling factor to take you to where you want to be in life, it might be that thing you are ignoring, your talent. #hellonircle #nircleinspiration

We Are The Waters Of Africa We are the waters of Africa! Born with nature's agility Fed with nature's regality Our tongue speaks our identity And we are known abroad In the way we pronounce our names. We are the waters of Africa! Our skin colours bring variety to our world. It adds rizz and tranquility to our beholders. It blends with the Earth and leaves no doubt of its origin. We are the waters of Africa! Our proud nature is seen in our hair Our footsteps breed thunder like the three lepro...

We Knew This Path In the dew of the dawn, When the morning was still fresh and young, The river bank was our kitchen. When the morning choirs sing, we sang in accompaniment with the clashing of the spoons and plates and pots. We washed our dirt and watched our brothers hunt tiny catfish. Our fathers had gone this path in search of herbs. Our mothers our pillers, had trade this path millions of dead decades, even the soil knows their names for their footprints was our password. We had in coun...

Colours of the Sea The colourful cosmos of fishes, Jumped in blissful glee out of their dishes, My eyes dashed after an Eel in close succession, Capturing every moment with great obsession. The cooling balm from the sea, Soothed my palm and feet, I rested my head on the pole, And hummed some psalms to my soul. The blue sky shone with great pride, Adding a piece of romance to our ride, The breeze blew from side to side, Towing our boat to no one side. The seductive movement of the birds, mes...

DAFFODILS In my faint quest for refuge, to shield my bossom from the envious eyes of the summer sun. And sooth my throat with some sap from the nature's pool, I snatch some brief respite from the rill. The daffodils, gently smiling would bend to caress my black blanketed skin in cheerful flowering. Their soft touch, subtle, hardly felt yet present, makes melodies as the wind tosses them like colourful kites. In between the rocks and reefs, their succulent edges adamant against the winds wou...

This is #TBT I remembered when I was a child, my mother often told me that 'there is nothing as precious as time'. These words has stuck with me through thick and thin. In those days she would laugh so loud and her laughter would resonate in our hearts. Most times, I feel she just laughed to make me smiled. I love you mum 💕💕. #throwBackThursday #Nircle

Our Secret Place The water came calling our names in the dark when the night was still and dead. We stepped out in three noiseless strides to commune with the water's kids. The Male gobies, the goldfish, and the Eel We spoke in low tones and kept our eyes abroad, for the humans in the water were after our life and the humans on land were after the water kids. So we learn to count the time with our teeth and play when the moon emerges from the East, for by then, our mothers slept and our fathe...

THIS ROUTE We've travelled this route before, I said. After a long and piercing look at the deep In those days where our hands were unbound yet tie together, our wings spread wide yet, clip at the edges. We spoke in pieces, pieces of broken thoughts join together in hopeful glee. We didn't have to be loud, our silent was enough loudness. For each time we spoke of our life, of our freedom, of the little things we find joy doing, we received lashes as a reward for being idle. So we learned to c...

Thank you, Lord, For the sun, For the rain, For the snow. Thank you, Lord, For the laughter, For the tear, For the smile. Thank you, Lord, For the ability to forget, For the ability to forgive, For the ability to accept. Thank you, Lord, For the strength to love, For the strength to heal, For the strength to be me. #NircleSuperThanks

A man wanted to go to the market to get some school items for his children. He woke up very early the following day and started working since he didn't have any means of transportation. Along Enen Ekpene road he saw his friend, riding a bicycle to the market also. He smiled and waved at him. At Afaha Eket junction, the man that was riding the bicycle saw his neighbour, who own a tricycle, driving to the market. He screamed his name and waved profusely. He had no idea that his neighbour would b...