Ikenna Nwachi
Member Since: 1 year ago

THE ANT IS SPEAKING Martha lay on her stomach on the sitting room sofa, playing a game on her phone.This attitude had become her daily routine for the past few weeks after trying unsuccessfully to get a job. She had struggled all alone in her hunt without involving anybody. And having tried and "failed" ,she momentarily gave up the search in frustration,and depended on her parents for support until something concrete came up. Remaining in that position almost all morning,her stomach began to ac...

It was on a Sunday afternoon that I saw the lorry standing in front of the post office.I had seen it long before my brother;Ben saw it,but it was he who said to me " don't you think it's odd that the post office should be open this afternoon? What do you think it's happening? ", I tapped his shoulder and told him calmly "Come out of sight,let's hide at this corner and watch". Ben was younger than I,so I kept him behind me,and peering round the corner told him what I saw. 'there are four men co...

When I was in primary school,I find it difficult to understand everything they taught me in school. I usually fail Mathematics and my teacher will always punish me .Then I was also afraid to talk to my Dad about the challenges I faced at school. This beating by my teacher became obvious that I decided I have to open up to my Dad.I thought at first he is going to punish me for not doing well in class but to my utmost surprise he hugged me and thanked me for opening up to him,then he promised to...

CONDOM SAVED MY LIFE Jessica turned thirty years old yesterday, her family had arranged a birthday party for her. All her friends and relatives gave him presents. At 6 O'clock in the evening, the party began.There were about twenty-five persons in the home and everyone of them was well dressed. Anyways I was busy helping Mirabel arranging and decorating the table for cutting of cake and lightening of the candles.We all stood and cheered him loudly .I blew off the candles and everyone clapped a...

IT'S NEVER TOO EARLY Today I decided to take a walk since I sat down for hours in the office. As I was walking down the Street along Evuma Junction which was about 20 meters away from my office, I noticed a group of persons gathered at Emeleq medicals Pharmacy shop .When I got closer, I noticed it was my neighbor's son ; Eric in the midst of some persons. I rushed to the scene immediately. "Eric ,what happened?",I inquired. At that moment I now saw his principal who explained how Eric broke Jame...
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