Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen
Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen

Humulkhair Abdulmumeen

Member Since: 4 months ago

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


When the sky is grey withe the dim sun showing its ray. It's going to rain Now the sky is bright, and the sky is filled with white Everything is going to be alright Then, the sky starts to get dark and everything is black and blank Soon the rights will fall back. Now I'm seated as the sky teaches how things takes turn And order of things starts to return Just like how the sky experience changes The change of the grey sky with barely lights in it . The brightness of sky after rain t...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


I await your arrival, your presence The warm embrace in your arms, an essence Even though you have been away not for years But your touch and closeness, my heart yearns Though we've been apart not so long But our bond continue to grow so strong I await your whispers in my ears As your breath draws me near While inhaling your scent which is rare I long for your touch and your soothing skin And stay in your arms which feels like haven I hope you arrive soon And we watch the rise of ne...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


If the earth has to be of a color What would it be Is it The green color of plants and forest which depicting the wonders of nature in food for survival, home and life to creature ? The blue color of the sky and ocean revealing the beauty of life in creatures in water and sky which provides shade to man? The red color of blood that flows through the body system or the color that depict the bond of love in human and the beauty of flowers The yellowish - orange that discloses the im...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


A glimpse of smiling face greeted my sight with bright eyes A happy face which speaks freedom Like a bird with nothing to worry about A face plastered with sparkling reflection Of happiness that gives comfort Unknown, this face is a mask Unveiling the mask, the sight of weary eye Filled with tears like a sea greeted me Despaired eyes filled with pains Behind the mask is a fading smile Of eyes that has witnessed miles of unaccomplished journey Behind the mask is a smile of sorro...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


Oh! my dark woman moulded from the beautifully baked clay and shaped in a magnificent form that suits every moment Your pigment enhance your beauty as your skin glitters like a crystal and strikes the heart like a flash of lightening Your appealing dermis and pearl- like eyes under the shadow of your flawless hair is a light to behold in darkness among other skin color ...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


I hope to wake from my dreams as my eyes have witnessed some buried memories of a where The sight of gliding birds in the air with light h wings as they soar higher in the sky depicting the essence of freedom The sight of men sitting under shades playing games and laughing like nothing matters in games The sight of women holding onto their toddlers with their wrappers and dancing to the folk music The sight of children running after little flies and domestic birds with bare fee...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


In the silence, I could hear In the darkness, I could sight While mute, I could speak The echoes of words in my ears The spark of lightning shining in my eyes The mumbles of words clear enough to be heard The words of, Not to borrow so that I would not sorrow To engage in the right actions To take risks To believe in a better tomorrow To endure even when the clock ticks Now it is to my sight, a spark of lightning Which I held onto for contentment Which lightens a path of adjustment...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


I wish I could compare your beauty with some celestials related to earth As my heart is captivated in your net I wish I could compare you with a sun that brightens the day And the moon that lights up the night With the shinning stair that glitters and adds more beauty to the sky But then I can compared your beauty with flowers As I have travelled miles staring at you for hours You are a soul with petals of fine roses Revealing the beauty crafted by the divine With brimming eyes th...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


In a dusty library shelf is seated a forgotten book yearning to be read A book of guide to oneself When things are mild but starts to dread An aged book with yellowed pages watches as it is left unopened Changing the scent of stains of inks as it ages Leaving lots of puzzles unresolved An unopened book of lamp that sheds light to paths Is left in dust to damp. It now watches silently how things start to part © heritage #Nirclepoetrycommunity #Poetrtchapbook #Nircle #Poetry #Booksasgu...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


At toddler, I watch the sagging Head with staggering legs, teary eyes with countless wants and fragile hands with free mind At teen, my eye witness the change in shape and mind prepping for the stage of adulthood As the scenery of Adult unfolds, I see The sagging head, held high and upright leading directions at night Staggering legs, set to embark on steps of the journey Teary eyes turn weary with a smile plastered and mouth filled with untold stories hoping to be listened to Wea...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


And again I rise like a phoenix from ashes With my spirit soaring high like an eagle My rebirth I celebrate like a chick from its hatch Reminiscing the days I was weak The years I was weak, it whispers Stuck in fear, I watch the time pass Years of silence I have lived sealed mouth and clipped wings Years I felt treated like a plague ,a burden Dear self, I host for you a victory party As I invite all versions of you to merry A great survivor and unique painter, you craft images your ...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


Many road disperse to an abode. But lost on which to travel as I could not travel all As a young traveller that I am, I strayed at a spot to look down the roads from afar with confused mind on which to travel with for ease As though many travellers, travel same road that seems best to them all. Then I sight another road which is less traveled by When I heard the unheard voices of those who were once travellers like I am whose unheard voices are concede Then I took the less tra...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


Am I a writer Who pens in a paper to perk things up Scribing sceneries on sheets Using the might of inks to mold minds? Or I am a painter Who has a brush in one hand and Canva in another Painting pictures of past and present Revealing memories that remind With the use of platters of paint Or am I an artist Whose lyrics depict loss, love, and longing for beloved With words to withhold the world of music? Yeah I am an artist with diverse creativity Hands using mediums to disseminate th...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


The word called home is Like a dimension of existence where i spring from to represent where I come from A place where I am nestled in my mother's warmth of originality and transparency. In it, I find comfort at the verge of confusion A place where I not only feel secured but also feel support from those who makes it to be called a home A place where every moments spent are memories to be shared as the playtime and laughter that prompt mother's scolding is like an echo as though it f...

Humulkhair  Abdulmumeen


The sword of being betrayed cut through my flesh It hurts It is painful The feeling of having the closest who does not care The thought of having someone to run to but does not help Those I think would be there and needs not to fear Do you know how it feels to have traitors among friends? The known- stranger you always trust but keeps breaking the trust you have in them Have you ever felt the heartbreak of a broken friendship? When those you thought are your friend and keep secre...


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