Hope Ayorinde
Hope: A whisper that all will be well!
Member Since: 1 year ago

#Poetry I AM FINE I wish someone can take a look and see beyond my superficial looks the beating heart and dimpled smiles, beyond the introverted silence, beyond the charm and calm of my person. There is a raging storm shadowed by a peaceful weather, a blinding lightning followed by a tiny thunder a quiet conflagration, perhaps a WW3 within my person. I'm waiting to implode with the words I've left unsaid but I'm fine.

When I'm Gone When I'm gone and you're alone would calls and texts cater for my absence? Would it soothe the heart that misses the presence that leases? Would our hearts grow fonder as the absence grow stronger? Would the seed of love blossom to ripened fruits when distance irrigate it? If out of sight is out of mind what of the epilogue to this story we fore sought? When I'm gone would love go too? #Poetry

#poetry IN A RED DRESS Standing aloof in thought by the roadside where traffic alternates by the roadside, wondering why things exist and what life had to give as time motion without emotions, by the roadside. Should I cross or wait here? says a voice in my head. People passing by did not seem to matter they go about daily business with fate as their witness... Suddenly, she came in a red dress that splatters on the road, like a red carpet, with people clamoring at its reception. Traffic cam...

Dear Crush I saw you today and my motions scrambled it seemed the universe lost it's gravity with a sudden pull. I feel my whole wanting the sight of you a chance just to behold your gaze that had me glued. My heart is at a call to arms and there is a proximity alert! Suddenly, reason is AWOL and emotions arrest my whole. Tonight, a Macbeth murders sleep a Romeo stays awake, your thought like tempest keep till the morning wakes. #poetry

Osupa - The Moon We have doused the fire of the coal scrapped the last oddment from the pot. Osupa sits highly above us watching with a waning smile. The cricket's chirp from the corner reminded me how we have 'bubbled up bellywise' from the silent prayers of our mouth and hands. I could see my surely shape shadowing my reflection on the plane. A fortnight ago the man with signage cap became our president and Osupa like fortune shone on us. I see my father, sitting cross-legged watching osup...