Frida Jenifer
Member Since: 1 year ago

The hushing breeze , the chirping of the birds,the humming sound of the men, whistling sound of the trees, they all married each other creating the serenity around you. Slowly approaching the peak of the work song, all excited to charm along. Oooh! Beautiful waters, our mother dear, ooooh! Beautiful waters, bearer of our daily bread, Ooooh, oooooh ,oooooh beautiful Lake Victoria, samaki twataka, samaki ya kuuza tupate pesa mama, samaki twataka tupate chakula wanao, ooooh beautiful waters. T...

Erokamano maanzii, for our memories you ferry deep in your waters. Your depths bear the echoes of the cheering crowd, the gasping of our people as they resurface from your precious body. Asante maji, for our men and women turn to the religious path of life. Seeking Nyasaye as they get cleansed in your depths. You flow away with the sins that we bared and we are left free without thambi, we become new creatures reborn in Christ. Embwo amachi, for you remain a reminder to our men not to go back...

Maji jameni! What did we do so wrong for the skies to cry you out bitterly? Were our prayers overwhelming or too demanding for you to pour out in such anger? Maji jameni! We fled from our homes to seek peaceful grounds in a native land. The lands lacked you precious maji and we prayed to Akuj to shower us with rains. Maji jameni! The wells that our men dug ran dry And the skies were so blue that there was no hope of you. Maji jameni! Why did you ferry our families away? Our s...

#art #poetry When he crawled closer, with
#art #poetry When he crawled closer, with his sweet lies that encouraged you to open the door wide and let him in. Keeping him close and slowly got drowned in his warmth. Did we know a poison it was you planted deep within?

#poetry Hush baby cry no more. It's written mostly said life isn't a bed of roses. Honey they never clarified that it was a bed full of thorns. And turning right would prick and to the left you would bleed for it mercilessly tore your flesh. Then scars would be left on the skin and deep down wounds were to be covered and all would try to ignore it's presence. Whose the bearer they never questioned for your arms held the scar that would always be a reminder. Her cries would always remind you of t...

#poetry #poetry connection If the world would be so fair though l don't deserve it's fairness. If the heavens would be so kind though the kindness l deserve not. Then may the earth be merciful enough to grant me this favour, may l adress my child for the hundredth time. I was young, l was foolish, l was hopeless and lost l didn't know what to do. My path suddenly became dark, l didn't know how l would face the world with you by my side am sorry for giving pathetic excuses. But my education, my l...

#poetry#poetry connection My son Wafula. Why did you leave the world at an early age don't you know the law of nature? I came earlier l had to be the one to leave first. Why leave after only spending forty years in the world? What of your children will they live without a father? Wafula my son you should have traded your death time with mine? Wafula what shall l do with this house you built me? What shall l do with this clothes when l don't have you here? Wafula come back to life let me go in e...

#poetry# In the East far from the green land. Where all is still and land is quiet. Though the faint sound of a child's whimper, and the silent hushing words of a hopeless mother is heard. The clicking of a middle aged man out of frustration and the spitting sound of the old man as he clings dearly to his old stick. Faces wrinkled and bones on display his trying to be more visible that hers. The lad closes his eyes slowly though hand trying to hold on to the life not long lived. Mother sadly loo...

#poetry I apologies for the balloon's outburst. When the pressure pumped in was too much for it to bare and it's walls stretched to their furthest. With the dictations of you should do this and not that. How it should portray itself before society and it's daily reminder that it's a tool to be toyed with. It's all right if it can't take the pressure it will eventually burst as it tries to please the users. As it enlarges and amazes the audience that smile and laugh in awe, yet internally it cra...

#poetryThis son is what l obtained from today's work. And yes l did bring my sons along to give me a hand for the mouths to feed were so many but what to feed was too little. No, my sons ain't at school for the amount you demand is so great of a burden on my empty pocket. The peace desired in heart ain't available for day and night we try to survive on this land that you try to claim full ownership. The offense that we committed so great without our knowledge. The delusion we had so amazing whe...