Prowess Tunnie
🌟 A Writer and Graphic Designer| Fashionista | Passionate about writing and reading| Love trying new things | Travel freak.... Hoping we can connect and share interests on this space.
Member Since: 1 year ago

When I say I love you it means I care about you I'm willing to scarifice for you I'm rooting for you. Love isn't all about s*x, love is all about giving putting smiles in somebody's face. making them realize they aren't alone. the world out is a hurtful place many people are lost trying to find themselves many have been eaten trying to find what to eat. don't just say "Valentine's day is for fun, who's your val" think of today as a day to show love and encourage someone let the know this is ...

The Tongue: A builder or Destroyer.
You see that small unit in our bodies... vain is he who uses it without rightly think thoroughly of what he has to say. A mere word uttered can either destroy a bond created overtime or can Strengthen it furthermore. you see both the brain and tongue is connected. I saw this image some where on social media and thought it was a good illustration. #HelloNircle #NircleStories #Life