Fatima Abubakar
Member Since: 1 year ago

I am no wizard for i can not cast spell nor do I wave a wand and makes things disappear Yet i know magic when i see one In those ethereal eyes lies a charm of it's own Entrancing those where upon it gazeth If i can write the beauty of your warm eyes wherein runs a fountain of virtuous wishes My ink shall ran dry and my paper yellowed with age If i shall recount the graces borne by those orbs An art soo great and constant, the likes of which only the stars share Words shall jumble and crumble int...

I know of an art, crafted out of years of practice., bearing a grandeur no one could deny, embellished by the grace she bore, shrouded by a spread of virtue.. with elegance in it's wake , adorning each step she takes.. I know of a warrior whose toil was grace, who fought battles no one knows of, who bore her scars with a sense of pride and tells her tales with gentlest of smiles.., To this creme de la creme I say "You're doing so great" So on days your morale is questioned and you feel attacked ...