Euodia Eli
heyy..,, welcome to my world of art
Member Since: 1 year ago

MY NIGERIAN DREAM My motherland A nation filled with beauty and grace A nation flowing with majesty and grace Where from coast to coast she's the envy of others The giant Of Africa she stands tall Her children Strive and work hard for Her growth Her strength was found in the youth of Her leaders And Her people's strength was found in Her Her beauty knew know bounds With diverse culture and ethnic groups She's blessed beyond measures Abundantly and lofty Untill she burnout And the giant ca...

DESIDERIUM I'm broken on the inside But you see the perfect on the outside Empty on the inside Yet cheerful on the outside Numb on the inside So full of life on the outside A soulless and dark mind on the inside But I still manage to let you see The shine and sparkle in my eyes Even though it's a slowly fading shine I look beautiful but that's just What you see on the outside I feel a lot less pretty on the inside I just might have to go on a quest To find myself again Cause I feel lost and li...