Etowa Emori
Member Since: 1 year ago

#poetry #July2023contest Pecker of Pebbles Sat he on a lonely mat Self made with splendour, He sat grinnin' 'n' gesturin' to No one in particular; In penury 'n' hopelessness sat He umperturbed, Cravin' for nzu like a pregnant Mother, He walks. the streets of Guida Trouser low-waist,feet safari Like the hobbits, He thirst for the stench brown waters Trampled upon by Brigded-stone tyres He walked the highway,a pageant Beautiful than Agbani; He whispered within himself, So i'am beautif...

#poetry #poetrycontest My Nigerian Dream I woke up to a garden of Coctus Spectabilis All over my surroundin' like a gushin' spring, I forsaw a land flowin' with delicacies from diverse Ethnic group. A land where my little treasures won't walk the streets With fear nor trembling' feet, My Nigerian Dream A nation where the penal code system won't be A Dracula's lay fill with carcasses; The low 'n' mighty shall respect 'n' value each Other's gift. Men should cloth themselves with toleran...

Season come,Season go. I sat in awe 'n' ponder,what season are we. Maidens losin' their divinity for nakedness. Marirobobo,you've lost your innocence, Father has lost his faith,mother has lost her certificate of nine months; Season come,season go, Our Ancestors in heaven weepin' for their dynasty...who'll carry on the legacy? Their innocent daughters walkin' the streets nude! Their sons now a tarracuter sculpture,with artistry colouration. O Lord! they blame it on fashion. Papa Ajayi,beck...

Sambisa, Weepin' The cluckin',cluckin' sound we hear. Desert boots stampedin' blindly, Ballistic toys fully operational in exchange for kalashinikov 'n' AK-47 rifles. Red wine with stench of souls splashed everywhere; Mother's young given away for enlistment. Alot had happened,mutiny,abscondment n court marshelled Destinies. Sambisa, Weepin' No one listening to him,chibok now a desolate, What is our future? What is our essence of existence? My thatch roof has been brought to naught, No...