emmanuel igwe
Member Since: 1 year ago

Every instruction obeyed is a step closer to Him Everytime I pray is His hand coming closer to me My testimony! My testimony!! My testimony shall be... That I tasted of Him Told the world what He tastes like And go back to Him in sweet communion My testimony! My testimony!! My testimony shall be... That I saw Him Told the world what He looks like And go back to gaze into His eyes My testimony!! My testimony!!! My testimony shall be ... That I ate His flesh and drank His blood He saturated me ...

BERACHAH: The Valley Of Blessings I have heard many say, that, "Life is a battle" And the bible called us Soldiers of Christ in 2Tim 2:3 Yes we are soldiers and we fight! We fight wars that was not instigated by human hands We throw bombs that was not initiated by human minds Guns and clubs are not our weapons of war But His name, His Spirit and His Word Yes we are called into winning. To partake in the victory which Christ bought for us with His blood The blood is so expensive that now I'm a ...