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Finding Your Niche Online As More Nigerians Become Digital Entrepreneurs
More Nigerians are opting for self-employment and spending more time online, becoming digital enterepreneurs. How would you find your feet and win?I ran some polls late last year, and re-ran the polls again recently to research public opinions. I got amazing and similar responses. Some results were expected. Nigerians are starting to lean towards self-employment more than being employed by someone else. Another trend is that Nigerians are purchasing locally made products...

The Bloggers' Secret Code - The Currency of Style
The United States currency is dollars, and the Britsh, Pounds Sterling, almost everyone knows that. Recently, I started paying attention to Fashion and Style bloggers, because i love that space and I have some findings I'd like to share with you. Most fashion and style bloggers share one major similarity. It's a silent code, maybe unknown, it's the love of yellow.. Yellow is like their magic. I am working with the assumption that it's not a coincidence, because i...

14 #CareerAdvice / #Lifelessons From Bill Gates - Do You Ever Wonder, What's The Best Career For Me?
Having used sophitsticated algorithms extensively in my graduate work for Data Analytics, my graduate education experience is my best so far throughout all the times I've been in school! Why? I've never enjoyed working with organized knowledge, but I love working putting pieces of data togethe to make sense of it. And that's why I felt an uncontestable joy in my heart learning to measure the intangibles like the satisfaction of a consumer in my statistics class, that's why I love...

The Future of InStore Shopping is Experiential - #Sephora
Dear Sephora,The retail stores are closing up in America and all the mall rats (teenagers who spends all of their times at the mall with friends) are now online! Shopping from their social media pages and influenced by the Jackie Ainas, the Amerezis in the area of beauty. Consumers like myself will still cherish and love to have authentic special experiences where we can touch and try hands on several product variations before picking our favorite! During my last trip to...

5 Best Jobs For Makeup Junkies
Do you go online, instore, looking for new products to try on or add to your collection? Then you need no one to tell you’re a makeup junkie before you realize that. There's nothing as good as building a career around your passion! Reason why so many people get miserable at their jobs is that it becomes too tiring , no wonder Barbara Corcoran says "You can't fake passion." and Jon Bon Jovi says "Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate...

The Starbucks' Ambience Creates Perfect Alternative for Co-Working Space
Starting a business can require a huge capital upfront! But in times of online businesses, things are easing up a bit as you can WORK FROM HOME!!! Working from home doesnt work for everyone. For some soloprerenuers, coffee shops usually work best! And Starbucks welcome people to sit and sip a cup of coffee even as they work. So you no longer have to think about getting stuck in a lease if you're starting out your own business. I've worked extensively at starbucks and I can testify t...

7 Ways to Grow A Successful Brand Like Anastasia Beverly Hills
How Anastasia did it!Anastasia Beverly Hills is a successful cosmetic brand. I began to wonder, how did the Romanian-born beauty entrepreneur, Anastasia Soare grow her brand ? As a Data Scientist who loves beauty and makeup, I quickly notice how much her brand is loved on Instagram. Like many other Anastasia Beverly Hills makeup enthusiast, my sister is one, and she introduced me to the Vintage Lip Gloss, and it’s now my default lip gloss. After months of using th...