Dim lfeanyichukwu
Member Since: 1 year ago

AFRICA MY PRIDE Thickly black, l am from Africa Thickly black like charcoal Thickly black l am proud Unblemished zygote of black origin Sculpturally made and painted black Unmasked soldiers of divinity Unparallel lineage of racial misconception I am dark like the night Where the moon and the stars reign and rule My complexion gives room for the day Taken into slavery Unkempt in the dark days Wiped to bend, looking haggard Crisscrossed in chains I toiled and a dirge to sing about Thanks...

WHEN THE SUN WENT PALE When the sun went pale You caused it We have lived with your havoc on earth Of all, what is the gain? Thy death you accepted without questioning You blew asunder the hope we had for life and our dreams you shattered When the sun went pale you did not know When the moon bled you did not know When the moon refused to shine It was like a dream But when the moon shone You were happy When you inflicted the pains of a crushing heat in the depths of our hearts You did not kn...

HUMAN MIND Human mind O human mind Impregnable sub-conscience Cognitive element of a spirit being Possessive element of thinking Scrutinizes in the panting slate of the mind force Human mind O human mind Grows like a babbling child learning to talk Grows like a young chick Develops with ageing like the impetus heir apparent Intrinsic icon of repute Human mind O human mind Deceitful sub conscience Just like the differential human faces So is the human mind a mystery A haven of havoc Human ...

NIGERIA IS MY COUNTRY Nigeria is my country The pride of our heroes past Thy glory reigns forever more A land in the heart of Africa Densely populated with wisdom Densely populated with love Diversity is thy greatness Though tribe and tongue may differ Thy flag twirls in the heart of Africa Our independence is a plate of honour in our hearts We salute thee We glorify thee Even when vultures have gathered in the Sahel marching onward to the Savannah Igbos, Hausas and Yorubas Our pride is our c...

PETALS OF THE HEART. Petals have grown in many hearts Inundated by thoughts The roots have grown to the bowels Shades of curvy lasses The roots cracked up the roots of the heart With their aesthetic beauty Petals in many hearts have grown thorny thistles Down to the bowels Twisted to the navels While our gaze mucked its roots Watered by thought's thinking. Thorny hideous lasses scourged its seeds Petals in the heart are elegant Donnas Growing in the mind The Midrib of the leaves A blessing to...
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