Bornfaith Godstime
My name is Poetified Ogechi. I'm a poet, a story writer, a graphic designer and a web developer. Follow me on Facebook @ Oge Chi, on WhatsApp @ 09027290361, LinkedIn @ Bornfaith Godstime.
Member Since: 1 year ago

"Many faces"
A Man full of lies is full of many faces. Each face, for each lie. Putting on many faces, as that of a chameleon, No true face. All faces lining up in a queue, Each waiting for her turn to be exhibited and showcased like an artifice in a Museum. Remove a face, you'd see another face, With an entirely different identity and nationality. A man with many faces is like a tree dancing to many winds, Winds from the north, east, west and south, The young lad dances to all. One face, no lie, Truth a...

"Old Woman"
Old Woman! Your skin peels like an expired shoe, It shows you bleached while young. I can see it, It's very Obvious. Old Woman! The glory of your skin has gotten pale, By what you paid for. Old Woman! You haven't been buried yet your skin decays, what will happen when you die and buried? Old Woman! Your body has become very irritating, Radiating disgust and vomit to my system. Old Woman! Old age is good, but you've spoilt your skin. Old Woman by Poetified Ogechi I am Poetified Ogechi #Ni...

Fowl Play( A Christmas Rebellion)
A fowl plays the role of a rebellion by resisting to be killed. She forgets the days she was fed with milk and honey, Combined with all the nutrients accompanying her growth. She's given a confine that leads to no room for escape. Prison break is impossible to an extent, As she's bound by chains tied to her shank. Christmas season is a time marks are left on her, She wears a mask of death before her death. Rebel! She gets an opportunity, She flees and gets you ill chasing her. Chasing her is...

Merry Christmas
On a particular day 2 thousand Years ago, There were sounds in the heavens, Sounds of Joy and laughter, Bells were thronged continuously "ding-dong", Echoes of smiles filled the heavens. A child was born, Born in a manger, Born among cattle, sheep and donkeys. Mary's born child Jesus Christ, Given by the Holy Spirit based on prophecy. The greatest prophecy ever heard and Seen by mankind. "For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And Hi...

"I'm Helpless"
My heart aches as an headache on the head of Its subject, Th' pain's heavy, heavier than a rock With its depth deep Inside the earth's crust. Th' pain thrusts as a rapier, Cutting through my veins and arteries, My blood's on the edge of parching up. I think I'll need pain relief, Donation of blood, Words of comfort, A pat on the back. But none's at my reach, The melancholy's deepened. Life's not been fair I can't hold my tears. Don't blame me, Tis this pain, My heart's pulling from It's fr...

Happy New Month Fam
It's Christmas season. Chuckles, stay with your loved ones, spend time with them, create memories, and hold unto the happiness this season brings while it lasts. I remain Poetified Ogechi #Happynewmonth #poetry #NircleStories

"The world is no longer safe"
The world is no longer safe; Mosquitos everywhere, Flaunting the earth and biting like vampires, Depositing diseases like a virus spread across the universe, Telling lies by singing songs of disturbance to our ears. The world is no longer safe, Mosquitos everywhere. Sucking juice from their prey without looking back. The world is no longer safe, Mosquitos everywhere. Silence! Let your heart tell you trouble lies ahead and lead you ahead of trouble. I am Poetified Ogechi #Africanunveiled #p...

"True Love Lasts Forever"
Feelings is an alcohol, She highs and controls, A little of her is more powerful than alcohol. Feelings intoxicate, Her aroma arouses her acquirer. Feelings is an image, That shows you only one person. Feelings is a street, You get to see only one house. Feelings deceives, She could make you marry the wrong person. Feelings are like a jet She drives you high and fast. Feelings are like a traffic light, She controls your movement, Tells you when to go, And when to stop. Feelings are like water Sh...

Seeing a movie feels like another world, You see every scene clearly. Multiple thoughts flooding your mind like a flood, You could feel the pain, the gain and the shame, Feeling real, like you're the one experiencing it. You get a different feeling removing your eyes from the movie, only realising they're all illusions. They're fake, They ain't real. Welcome back to your world, Your world isn't a movie, Your world is real. A world where pain, shame and gain feel more real. You could feel the ...

"Tailoring Tailor"
A tailor fumbles a "material" And arrives at an attire, An attire tied to our bodies. Threads upon lines, Lines upon styles, Parts mating parts form the attair. He embraces her with creativity, Cutting her with all care and senerity, The pair of scissors, Pairs with the material for cutting. Caressing her joints, With threads and niddles. He fan-tunes the voice of the attire With his iron, Leaving her skin smooth Without wrinkles. Passion brings creativity, Creativity brings beauty. A tailor a...

"War Amongst Whisphers"
Walking on the night of a bleak Friday, I could see a lass held by hands by the whispers of death. Death had taken over her soul, Her soul was dark as coals. She pondered on the suicidal thoughts given to her by depression, She conversed with depression and had seen herself hunged by the rope of death. I approached her with the whispers of Life I'd known where there ain't Life, there's death. I said Hey! Lass Tis the devil, he came to steal, kill and destroy, Christ came to give you life. T...

"The Changed Prisoner"
Locked up in the walls of a prison yard for years, I could hear her speak continuously as the years went by, Her voice kept obliterating the reasoning of my mental faculty, And left a footprint of change in my mind. I'd forgotten the lores I'd ever known, A new set of beliefs had set in, Leading to a feeling of nostalgia with a strong melancholy. I'd known it's wistful thinking about the already forgotten lores, I'd had to accept the new lores she tells me daily. Change they say is constant, I...