Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Lambe-Rohi Bethel-Gold

Bestselling Storyteller || Handcraft Creator || Designer || Foodie #Storywriter #Nirclestories

Member Since: 1 year ago

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold


Hi guys, How are you all doing? How did you week go? Is the weekend starting off on a good note? I had a good week though… it was just a bit slow. Like, there’s so much to do now that I got a second scriptwriting gig. I was so happy when I got the gig and it’s from the same person. I am proud of myself. Like I said in a previous post, I’ll achieve my goal as a scriptwriter. I just need to enjoy the process and let things play out. Hard work, consistency, continuous learning, pr...

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold


Hi guys, how are you all doing? How is your week starting? How did the weekend go? Last I wrote a letter was a weekend ago and that seem like a really long time. I apologize, will try to write here more often. Happy New Month to you all. I pray this will be a month of continuous success and growth for us all. Amen. I feel like I have so much I want to type here but very little come out as I thrum my fingers against the keyboards. There’s so much I want to let out, but very little drops. ...

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold


Hi, good afternoon, people. How are you all doing? How was your week? If you don’t mind sharing, comment below how your week went, what you did or did not do, and how it was for you in general. I’ll check your comments. P.S: I love comments. 😉 So, I am in a good mood. Let me start by telling you how my week went. This week was quite challenging since I have to meet up with deadlines for the script coupled with trying to finish up the script. I feel like I channeled so...

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold


Hello guys, good evening. I trust today was good for all of us. Today looks good for me, and I learned some new things I watched from a few YouTube videos about screenplay and writing generally. I really need to get the SSD to speed up my system processor and an external hard drive to back up my files. You guys should know that having backups of your documents and anything important to you is very important. You might not know how important it is to have these backups. You just need to have...

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold


Hi, Happy New Year to you once again This is officially my first post for the year and it feels great to actually post this. A few things happened over the holidays, most of which are very good and I am grateful for how things have been for me. In this post and following posts, I'll highlight a glimpse of my process as I finish writing a screenplay for a short movie. Now, I won't reveal any details about what the story is about but I'll just share what I did on the first day I started, what ...

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Happy New Year folks

Guys welcome to the best year yet Let's start something amazing this new year Cheers to many wins for us 🎉🎉🎉 #NircleStories #NircleCommunity #NircleNewYear

Lavender La Feeling
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Lavender La Feeling

Day 8 Lavender has many potential benefits, some of which includes reducing skin inflammation, helps to improve the wound healing process and many more. Lavender oil is an essential oil gotten from the lavender flower and can be applied on the skin or through aromatherapy [breathing it in]. Lavender is beneficial to the skin in diverse ways as it can help tone your skin evenly, reduce acnes and wrinkles too. Lavender oil is also beneficial to keep your hair healthy and can also aid digestion....

Everybody Loves Jenifa
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Everybody Loves Jenifa

Hi!!! Who else is excited to watch this movie? Who has watched it? I have so much expectations for this movie and with what I'm seeing online from people's feedback, my expectations are met and I haven't even watched it yet. If you haven't, please do so. You will not be disappointed when it comes to Funke Akindele. She has always surpassed herself over and over again. Will plan to watch as soon as I am free from the hold of work 😩 #salasareview #moviereview #everybodylovesjenifa

Birthday Babes
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Birthday Babes

Happiest Birthday to me and this goofball Wishing us the very best in life in good health and blessings Just as GOD has preserved us, blessed us, provided for us, fought for us and done all things for us, He will continue to shower us with all the good things of life. More inks to our pen and words on our paper. Happy birthday to us again 🤗🤗 My @Nircle family, come celebrate with us. #Nircle #NircleFeeds #Birthdays #BirthdayonNircle

A Baby's Babe
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

A Baby's Babe

Day 7 Hi everyone, I am not someone who likes farming or getting my hands dirty to farm but I do appreciate a nice-looking garden. I took a subject (compulsory) in secondary school and it's agricultural science. So, I'll be sharing a bit knowledge I derived from how to care for your garden. First, what we must have in mind when we want to grow our garden is to locate the right spot for this little baby. Ensure the place can easily get the needed air and water it can get. You have to water t...

Turmeric: The Golden Herb of Wellness
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Turmeric: The Golden Herb of Wellness

Day 6 Turmeric is a herbal plant and they are related to the ginger family. Turmeric is known to have originated from India and southeast Asia. Turmeric is a key herb in traditional Indian medicine where it's used to treat various ailments and it's beneficial in relieving pain. Turmeric was used in Hindu rituals because of its purifying properties. Uses Turmeric, as I mentioned earlier is used to treat pain, inflammation, digestive issues and infections Turmeric is used as a major ingredi...

Day 5

I mentioned in a previous
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Day 5 I mentioned in a previous

Day 5 I mentioned in a previous post about an event that would be happening soon in my community and would try to take pictures here and there of how this road gets busy during that time. I made this video yesterday while going home. I was walking to the shuttle stand so I can get a shuttle to my estate and to my house. Aside from events that happen here, this place will be bustling with cars when parents come to pick or drop off their children in the school. No music here but when I get to ...

Cough it Out
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Cough it Out

Day 5 Hi guys, in this post I'll be sharing a sweet natural medication my mum used for us when we have intense cold and the medicine she bought isn't working. Our ingredients for this mixture are: Honey, Lime/Lemon, garlic. Preparation: First, you get a cup or container you'll like to mix this herbal remedy in. Pour two tablespoons of honey inside, a tablespoon of lime/lemon juice and one single clove of mashed garlic. Mix these herbal ingredients together and let it sit for about five mi...

You Need These Herbs in Your Home
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

You Need These Herbs in Your Home

Five must have herbs for you to have in your home. These are essential to add to your herb pantry ;) Number one is Peppermint: Peppermint is a natural digestive aid that helps ease nausea and indigestion. This can be enjoyed as tea, added to salads or used in topical creams for a cooling sensation. Photo credit: Live It Up - .com%2Fblogs%2Fsupergreens%2Fpeppermint-leaf-benefits&psig=AOvVaw3xtw9dVAEtYvb_EM-wYr6_&ust=1733417329838000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCPCpqfbIj...

An International Phenomenon
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

An International Phenomenon

Day 4 Good evening, trust our day went well. In this post, I want to celebrate a local musician in my church using what I know how to do best, writing. Ola Samuel David is a gospel musician whose voice is rich, melodious, and passes messages with te lyrics in his songs. I remember the first time I noticed him almost six years ago, it was like an angel sat beside me and was singing to me. The man is so talented. He always has a smile on his face as he sings praise and worship to GOD, and wh...

Herbal Essences
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Herbal Essences

I did some research about this topic and saw that a lesser-known herb from the Yoruba culture is 'Efinrin Ajase' meaning 'Scent leaf or wild basil.' While Efinrin is widely used, this particular leaf, 'Efinrin Ajase', is not as frequently explored as the usual Efinrin everyone uses. The sap from Efinrin Ajase is used to treat wounds and sores, and it's believed to have antiseptic properties that aid the healing process. According to my research, it is used in some Yoruba traditions as concoct...

Let Merry for This New Knowledge
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Let Merry for This New Knowledge

I will be explaining how to make my herbal hibiscus [zobo] tea/drink. First, you make sure you have enough to make at home, or you get to the market to buy the zobo leaves. In Nigeria, say you want to buy zobo leaves so they understand you. After that, go through the following process: Rinse the leaves in water because of sand settlement Then pour into a pot and add water [not to the brim but enough to boil it] If you like, you can add the back of pineapple that is washed properly and lem...

Hibiscus a Lovely Drink
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Hibiscus a Lovely Drink

Hello, good evening, Sitting down to reflect on this health and wellness challenge and seeing the first day challenge, I sat down to think about it, and I have come to realize my go-to herb that has sustained me during times I felt weak and sickly was Hibiscus a.k.a. zobo leaf. This leaf has its nutritional value and benefits. According to the research I did, the hibiscus flower belongs to the mallow family (Malvaceae) and is native to tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Zobo ...

The Heartbeat of a Trader
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

The Heartbeat of a Trader

Day 3 I couldn’t get a clear picture of this woman but she and her husband sell goods like packaged snacks just like the one in the photo, raw food items like rice, beans, garri, etc. I remember coming here to buy something from her husband and he taught me a Yoruba word ‘Adorin’ [I hope I spelt it correctly, lol], that is 900 and he was just so nice, attended to me nicely which i appreciate a lot. I’ll try to get a better picture and post here See you in the next post ;) #LongForgo...

What Happens in The Street, Stays in The Street
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

What Happens in The Street, Stays in The Street

Day 2 This is the street directly outside my estate. There are quite a number of shops with different people selling different goods. I went out with my brother to buy some snacks to eat for the mean time before we cook something to eat for the night. There are some times cars would be going to and fro on this street and some times it’s not as busy as it’s shown on this video. I hope you are enjoying my perspective of my environment See you in the next post ;) I couldn't post the vide...

The Sun Does Rise in The West
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

The Sun Does Rise in The West

Day 1 Hi, this is the street leading to one of the gates that leads to my estate. I live in a Christian community, and there are several estates in this place. This street is one of the places that was first built about 24 years ago, and by next week, we should expect some Christmas decoration on the trees and some of the street lights. By this time next week, this place will be bustling with cars and people because of the annual event happening soon. Stick around to see more ;) #LongForgo...

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Got a story in mind

Been preparing a story for a long time now, can't wait to share it with you all 🤗

Silent Witness
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Silent Witness

Yoruba: Omode ri nkan ko gbodo so, bi o ba so, oju re ni yoo ti ba. Meaning: 'A child sees something, but he must not speak of it; if he does, he will bear the consequences.' This proverb is from one of the short stories I am working on. #AfricanProverb #NircleStory #Storytelling #ShortStories #NIrcleStory

Love Me Now
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Love Me Now

Hi guys, how's the week going? I want to happily inform you all that my book Love Me Now is available in the story section of Nircle I'll try to fetch the link but you can head over to check it out it's not up to two weeks and the views are increasing daily thanks for the support and I'll see you in my next post check the image I attached to know how the cover looks like 💕💕 #NircleStories #Nircle #HelloNircle #AfricanStory

Running a Business and Staying Creative... How?
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Running a Business and Staying Creative... How?

Shoutout to Emmanuella Igein I am sure many people will ask this question because how can you run a business, work 9-5, go to school, learn a skill/trade, do some side gigs, and still provide your audience with creative contents? Hearing all these seems so unreal but it’s in fact real and possible. You just need to be able to make them work. The question here is: how? How do you perform this magic? Hi again, Gold here and I bring another content on managing your work time and still be produc...

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

More on Nircle Blog

Hi guys, trust your day is going great? I have some interesting write-up on my blog, head over and read. Check my previous posts to see the link to the blog Thank you

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

More to the Blog

Guy, happy mid-week Trust we are all doing great? I added some a post to my blog here on Nircle I'd appreciate if you checked it out, keep out for the completion of my thriller short story and more from me Link: #NircleStories #Nircle #SuperThanks #Story #Stories #Storyteller

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold


Literally what I sent in market square yesterday evening Prices there are affordable but there are some goods I prefer to shop for outside the mart due to prices but I'll recommend them as having reasonable prices for most products

Prices in Ota
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Prices in Ota

As at last week, both were #950 for one but now, it's 1k for one but yesterday I got five at wholesales price for #930 for one. Mind you, if you want it at the price I got it yesterday, you need to be buying from 5 pieces upward. If you see #100 pepper ehn, chai. Lemme nor talk. I'll try to update on other prices of things I got recently. #SuperThanksChallenge #Nircle #Street #Streetprices #Streetfood

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold


Hi, trust your week is starting out well Do well to check my blog for tips about writing and my journey too Thank you 😊 and GOD bless 🙏🏾 Check my previous post for the link

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold


Hi there, please check out my blog I haven't been here for too long, i apologize. Will be brining something great to your screens soon Anticipate :)

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Silent Witness… Midnight Alley Murder (Part 2)

A Visit… It’s been six hours. Six hours since I witnessed a murder crime and I haven’t been myself since. When I got home very late, my mum was super worried and I hadn’t realized it was nearly midnight till she told me amidst all her talking about me coming in late. She noticed my demeanor and asked what the problem was. I didn’t have an answer to that because I couldn’t believe what my eyes saw. Pastor Richard murdered someone in cold blood? Impossible. I just had to waive off ...

Silent Witness… Midnight Alley Murder (Part 1)
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Silent Witness… Midnight Alley Murder (Part 1)

A Nightmare to Behold “The Grace” Pastor Richard spoke to the microphone and everyone recited the grace of the LORD. It was mid-week service and when the service closed, we all made our way out of the church. “Sister Jumi,” I heard brother Mike call me from behind, so I turned to face him. I had an impatient look on my face because I was trying to meet up with the bus before it left. “Are you going home straight?” he asked as we walked towards the bus stop. I tried to walk fast...

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Happy New Month

Hi guys, I haven't been actively posting here for over a month and it's crazy. Each time I remember, I feel bad for not putting anything here. I will still continue with my movie and book reviews here and I also bringing yet another story. Early April, I joined a writing competition and I got some stories out of the prompts provided. I will be diving more in one of the stories i made up and make them into short stories with different parts. I will post them like twice or thrice in a week but wi...

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Movie Review...

Hey guys, thank you for sticking with me. I don't post all the time but I'm glad you're still here reading my post. I have some plans to write a short story to entertain you all. When it's ready, I'll post here for you to enjoy Well, I am here with another review again, but this time it's a movie review. I'll be dropping my post about my movies review. This movie has been in my laptop for a long time and I kept postponing when to watch it. I did watch it in the midnight and I was touched. I...

The Crucifix Killer
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

The Crucifix Killer

This book is an interesting read. These past days I've been trying to get back to reading because I miss it. Reading is one of the hobbies that keeps me sane and just sitting in a quiet place inside your room, a bus (regardless of the noise around), or just anywhere is a great feeling. Playing your favorite music in a low volume adds some interesting layer to the enjoyment of reading a good book. Chris Carter did a great job with description, the actions, dialogues and the whole storyline was ...

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold


Some of the biscuits we enjoyed while growing up 😩

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Good Luck

I pray GOD sees him through to the end

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