Asua Tyongi Gabriel
Born on 9th November, 1991 in Konshisha Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria.
I'm a born Nigerian contemporary poet, writer and reviewer of poems.
Member Since: 1 year ago

"Let peace flow"
#Fridayfeelings LET PEACE FLOW Let peace flow Like water to every continent Let peace flow to every country Let peace flow like the Pacific Ocean Let peace flow like the Mediterranean Sea Let peace flow like River Niger Let peace flow like River Benue Let peace flow to the ends of the earth For the Messiah used peace as a symbol Of recognition and identification Before the twelve apostles Hence, "Peace be with you" So, let peace flow to the ends of the earth Let peace fly Let peace fly on the...

#MERRY CHRISTMAS Merry Christmas and happy New year in advance To all and sundry Joy to the world For the Lord is born The Messiah has come His name is Emmanuel Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Joy to the world For the Saviour Has come And the angels are singing Joyfully Bushes are dressed in their most Colorful Attires dancing Beautifull...

(This poem is dedicated to my father, late Emmanuel Asua Tion) Daddy, Thank you For your love For your hard work, patience and support For the proper upbringing For the educational legacy given to us For teaching me to be Honest, fair and just For the discipline you inculcate in us Sweet daddy, You're my treasure; You're my gold You're my silver You're my soul's companion In fact, you're everything to me (C) Asua Tyongi Gabriel Nigeria

A LETTER TO MY MOTHER My dearest sweet mother, I sincerely write in expression of my heartfelt appreciation To you For 'ur love towards me Sweet mother, I seize this opportunity as we celebrate mother's day to say Thank you; I thank you for the sufferings You passed through During gestation, labour and lactation. Sweet mother, You're my treasure I shall never forget about you. (C)(R) Asua Tyongi Gabriel Nigeria

THE MYSTERY OF LOVE Love is caring Love is sharing Love is eternal Love is generosity and genuineness Love is magnanimity and mildness Love is sacrifice Love is empathy Love is sympathy Love is hunky-dory. Love is good-naturedly good-hearted Love is good-humour Love is good-nature Love cures depression And gladdens the heart Love is the perfect antidote for hatred Love is life and life is love Love is God and God is love. Love is one plus one equal to one Love is a playful,playable, play-...

Practices Like Boards, Wall Sits Work Best to Assist with bringing down Pulse New exploration found that strength preparing activities can be more compelling at bringing pulse contrasted down with different styles of activity. Isometric developments, similar to wall sits and boards, were noted as the best type of solidarity preparing to bring down pulse. Specialists suggest making an economical work-out schedule that incorporates both oxygen consuming activities and strength preparing to see ...

DIABETES Depression identified as 'contributing cause' of type 2 diabetes risk, says new study: 'Impotant' findings Researchers revealed for the first time a 'cause-and-effect relationship' between the two conditions. People who struggle with depression could face a higher risk of diabetes, according to new research from Diabetes U.K., a British charity that aims to improve the care and treatment of people with diabetes. The researchers discovered that people with a history of depressio...

THE BREATH The breath is life The breath is flesh The breath is the living soul The breath is body The breath is body and soul The breath is life The breath sustains the flesh The breath guides the soul The Breath guards the body The breath gaurantees the soul The breath services the body God is the breath Without God, no breath The breath is life Without breath, no life The breath is flesh Without breath, no flesh The breath surpasses everything Without breath, no human, no animal...

THE SINGING BONE There lived a man called TAKURUKU, he was the wealthiest farmer in a village known as ABAKPA. He married four wives and he was blessed with many children. One day, TAKURUKU and his beloved son NYAMAZINGA went to the farm in the month of September when the rain was usually heavy to make heaps in preparation for the next yam planting season. There were only two roads which linked to Takuruku's farm. One was long and free from evil while the other short but characterized by evil...