Anne Iyiola
I am anovelist with exceptional writing and research abilities, I possess a unique combination of talents that make me well-suited for script writing. My passion for storytelling, attention to detail, and diverse experiences in engaging different audiences make me confident in my ability to create compelling and impactful scripts. #NircleStories #Storyteller #writing #Novelist #Novel #StoryCreator
Member Since: 1 year ago

They say you can say anything with
They say you can say anything with flowers, get your flowers from these tagged stores A.I🌹 #AVoiceintheWind #flowers #writing #novelist #story #storyteller #storytelling #copywriting #contentwriting #flowersactivities #floweractivist #flowerlovers #flowershop #flowers #flowerstagram #flowerpower #flowerphotography #bouquet #boquetofflowers #flowerarrangement #flowerstandsfor #flowerrepresentation #flowersrepresents #words #touched

They say you can say anything with flowers
*TOUCHED* Tabitha, devastated by the loss of her love to stage four leukemia, hadn't been able to eat or even stand, despite being pregnant. Diagnosed late, the doctors were helpless. Consumed by grief and haunted by hallucinations, she felt herself slipping away. As she clutched her stomach, rereading the invitation to his burial, her hands trembled. Entering the adorned garden, awash in colorful blooms, a video played on a tablet held by a bodyguard. "Hi baby, happy birthday," his voice fil...

My Compromise, Your Compromise
My Compromise, Your Compromise I am a Christian but doesn't mean “Stop there!” I drink, but I don't drink to get drunk let wine be given to them that wants to perish I just smoke when I don't want to think or get inspiration But you are walking towards depreciation God looks at my heart not my physical appearance So He didn't create your body? What do you think His countenance is like when you wear what you wear? I listen to the message but don't go to the church because of hypocrisy Fo...

Dear Papa, Episode 2
**Dear Mama** Until one day, I couldn't take it anymore, I walked to the sitting room after her dad and I put her to sleep from her, I got down on my knees with my Bible. I cried like never before, praying to God, I cried until I slept off. I woke up by six in the morning tired and drained but with determination I cooked, woke my husband to get ready for work and also prepared Soteria for school. We dressed up for our daily business, did our morning prayers and left. Throughout the journey on...

Dear Papa Episode 1: My Little Soteria
Soteria, has always been the sweetest child. Caring and loving, she was adored by almost everyone she met, not just for her personality but also for her cute face and growing hair. People called her special, reflecting the joy we felt after her birth, which is why we named her "Soteria" after the best thing ever given to us—Salvation. She was a miracle baby considering the challenges we faced with two lost children and a miscarriage before her arrival. As typical Nigerian parents, we reside i...

A series
I will be posting it on Friday #writer #truth #deargod #mylife #lifeofachristian #myworld #lettertogod #canyourelate #lifestyleofachristian #whatitislike #godstruth #God #Christ #life #mytruth #my revelation #christlike #creativewriting #series #nircle #nirclestories #series #seriesonnircle #seriesoninstagram #letter

How she fell in love
@Tolu the love Doctor #Love #Nirclestories #Nirclewriteups #Moretocome #Toluthelovedoctor #Lovedoctor #lovestories #Writinginprogress #Creativewriting #Writers

People say "Adulthood is a scam"
There are Burdens that are too heavy to bare, but they seem to lay on this heart A.I🌹 #Writers #Writing #Creativewriting #ai #Nirclestories #Nirclewriteups #Moretocome #adulthood #Burdens #itiswell

Gone by A.I
There are pains that never leaves, burdens that can be lightened but scars that persists. A.I🌹 #NirclePoetry #Poetry #writing #AIPoetry #Creativewriting #writer #writingcommunity #Gone #Pain #Death #Burdens #Favoritebeing #Love

I will be posting this book
I remember when I started writing this book for a competition, but as I got to the middle, it began to make more sense and helped me to review who I was and who I could be. "The Betrayal" is the first book I completed. It's a short story about a writer who is betrayed by her means of identity, and a family filled with problems and dirty secrets. I will be posting Graphic designer Iyiola David #writing #amazon #writer #writingcommunity #NircleStories #NircleStories #Novelist #Novel #shorts...