Ako Philemon
Member Since: 1 year ago

Please treat as urgent as possible. The above statement of result is an evidence of my successful graduation from medical school. I am appealing to all your sense of tender compassion and pity. I have been unable to raise money and do my MDCN registration up till now which will be a guarantee for me to collect my license to practice as a doctor of which the induction and oath taking ceremony will take place on the 16th of July. My source of financing has crashed and I have been rendered bankrup...

Not the neighbourhood thief, Neither the village dog known for the evil. The blaring of trumpets, The beeping of the alarm... The very speech [gossips, rumours]; assasinating his character. That very name he incurs upon himself, Casts an aura around him; a countenance upon him. And soon enough, his name spreads wide and far. Not always of his acts of duplicity, Not through his grave deeds. But through news that washes snow white. And picks its victim clean; every man of his manner of ...

Idle moments are creative moments. There comes a time in everyone's Life That loneliness hits hard. When idleness stares in the face. The peaks and troughs of every man's Life. When creativity is at its zenith. Thoughts to flee, get rid of it pursues. In the plight to wade it off. We seek company Of friends, relatives.... And companies come with their woes... Then, the regrets of lending out an invitation... Better we had stayed lonely. That still small voice that muses... That creative ge...

When hormones say go! Why say no? Why say no! When hormones say go? Emotions will always betray us. Being rational will save us. Be rational rather emotional. The urge for sex, Imbues creativity in man. At these impulses, Man by hook line and sinker awakens the sleeping genius to get it. And that's all. Befuddled, he is under the hormone, Which says go, Why say no? The gonads develop in the 5th week. The brain in the 6th week. Invitro. 5 before 6. And sex comes before thought. The th...

Life is fun! That's the sense humour... That's the fun of Life. They said, monkey dey work... Baboon dey Chop. The monkey sweats and works... The Baboon eats, the spoils of the toil. I envy the Baboon, feeding of the monkey. I feel I should be the Baboon. In Malaysia, Monkeys harvest Coconuts from their heights... To feed man. Man eats of the monkey's toil, sweats, efforts put to use. Monkey dey work, Man dey Chop. Here am I, The man. The Baboon. Monkey dey work. Man dey Chop. We feed ...

Love that lasts. Through pain. The pain of Love. And it grieved God for creating man, when the man He created became evil. For, He so loved the world. Love that lasts, Live weaving a shroud, So, it is knitten; embroided in bits. Every mistake, embroids a knot on this woven fabric which is Love. Love that knows no bounds; Boundless love. Unconditional love. But, tolerance of one another's faults. The knots so formed on this fabric of our very own embroidery is needed in times of difficu...

A Luta Continua! A Vitória é Certa! The Struggle Continues. But, Victory is Certain! We are one! One are we! Our strength is in our numbers. Out strength is in numbers. In numbers our strength. In numbers our voice. Our voice in echoes. Our numbers echoe our voice. Our voices echo our numbers. We are in numbers unnumbered. We are numbers unnumbered, unrivalled. We are many. Many are we. We are (I'm) them. I'm them, in them. One for all. All for one! An injury for one, An injury for a...

To all our heroes past. One noble course ye fought. For the future untold. For honour and glory through shame and resilience. In sorrow, for the better tomorrow. In plight ye took the flight. A fight for the right. En route the truth. Applauds in the banquet halls of Valhalla. The great, heroes who once lived, Still Living, And shall live again. History repeats itself. And we are the great, heroes being born. We are the very history, The very unwritten to be written and ...

Get it done, through it all. Men celebrate the product and not the process. None cares the about the tares that causes tears. But the eye is fixed on stare for what to reap. Get it done, through it all. Being cautious saves from the error that ensues thus, waste your time with details. He is fast and snappy, who is impetuous. Missing details. Saves times but is inclined to make costly errors. So, hurry slowly. Get it all done, All the works given thee. Whatsoever thy hands finds to do, Do i...

Time is a mystery. And we are all mortal pilgrims; making transit through the journey, LIFE And travelling on the road of TIME. A LIFETIME, A LIFESPAN. Time's elapse is infinite. While the mortal keep watch on the clock. Time is a paradox unraveled. We keep watch but scarcely manage to keep up with its pace. So, take your Time But waste no time. Waste of time makes us late. But better late than late. And when late, we miss a lot; miss out. But better late than never. ...

Grace and work So, is All of Life. I thought it grace that I may not labour. But all was sham. Till I took to abundant labour, pain and suffering... And all were blessings In my abundant labours, All was blessed. If it is only by (of, through) grace, Then, it is no longer by (of, through) works. Work is no longer work. If it is only by (of, through) work, Then, it is no longer by ( of, through) grace. Grace is no longer grace. Without Grace, our works (struggles) will waste, lie futile. A...

Life is not fair! But God gives the grace. The grace of becoming as one wills. For, where there is a will, there is a way. All digits are not equal and will never be. So,Life is in phases and men are in varieties of sizes, shapes, physique. Life is not fair! But, God gives the grace. And that's up to us all. For the grace of God makes up for all. And every difficulty, hardship becomes desirable to make us better off... If and only if we persevere. #poetry #My2025onnircle #nircleblogpost #he...

Decide and it (you) will be! Every situation, occurrence that ever happened to us started with a decision prior to the situation, at the moment and thereafter. We can't decide the music life is playing for us but we can decide the way we will dance to it at every moment of our life. Stay calm, hold on... It might seem an aeon but in one moment, time will elapse all our pain, sorrow, suffering and worry. We feel pain, sorrow like it shouldn't have happened and as if it will never be lifted.. A...

Life is a cycle And growth is a process called Metamorphosis. When we are born, we crawl on the ground, Then we walk, tread on it under feet. Then, we fly in the skies over, above the ground below and still gravitate towards it, landing on it. And in the very end, we go 6 fts below, under the ground above. Life is a cycle, And seasons, moments, periods come with TIME. Thus, there is time for everything under the Sun. Water in liquid form freezes to stone cold ice, It dissolves, melts to Liq...

What shall be told of Truth in this Modern Generation... Truth is a Scandal Oppression, suppression labels itself democracy Marginalization labels itself Liberalization. Solemn words conceal the most hideous propaganda. Justice so boasted of is a tool for the rich, powerful to oppress the poor. Liberty so boasted is a load of hostile chains. At liberty to choose one's chain of enslavement, bondage. Freedom portrays itself as a right but within it lies hidden the mystery of the Law that keep...

Give yourself some pardon. Even the sun at noon retreats behind the clouds lest it exhaust itself. Set backs are speed breaks to avert impending doom. So, allow for yourself some pardonable defects. As the sun retreats behind the clouds to give a shade is admired by those in that part of the world who abide in the shade. And of those basking in its glow for heat, warmth, light and energy would complain, murmur and scoff. So, every mistake, weakness has its own admirers who wish it upon them a...

Learning never ends! Life is mortal but knowledge is eternal. School teaches us a Lesson then tests us with exam. Life tests us with exams, then teaches us a lesson. Life's lessons leaves us with lasting memories unlike school. Learning never ends. And we can't make every experience ours. So, learn fast from others before Life put us to the test; giving us hard exams. And is written only through experience and wisdom. #poetry #My2025onnircle #nircleblogpost #hellonircle #neighbour #poetrych...

Stand, wait, watch and Learn Wisdom. Life is never regulated by our wishes and neither by the wishes of others. Can't you see? Haven't you heard of it? That two rivals would surely come across each other unplanned, crossing paths? I sat, I thought and I observed. Learn from the twist of events and to the least treatment of one another that elapses our memory. Blessings and Curses follow the course. What stands the test of time is how we treated the least of our brethren. For what goes around...

There is time for everything under the heavens. A time to be born and a time to die. A time for this and a time for that. A time for here, now and then. Patience, Patience, patience... Oh man, upon TIME. The Universe does not hurry. Yet everything is accomplished. Patience! There is a time and a season for everything under the heavens. When the cross you bear is so heavy and the shoulder so weary, never give up. Just give into TIME. And it would be Lifted off thy shoulder. #poetry #My2025on...

Of the manner that they are born, so the sons of men align. Of what manner born, So, is their kind. Fluids partake of the physical characteristics properties of their containing vessels in shape volume and pressure of their containing vessels. And partake of the chemical properties of taste, smell and odour of their vessels. So, a man of the characteristic properties of the clime in race, tribe, religion...wherein they are born. So, their genealogy. So, their traits. Be they virtuous or vic...

Dreams are ideals. And thoughts are things. Dreams are mental moulds, The moulds within which our thoughts fits into like garments fits on the body. All that we were, are and would ever be started from thought and dreaming [persistence of thoughts) gave it the mould and work gave it form. I dreamt that it would be one day, And one day it would be. Dreams become reality, When thoughts become actions. #poetry #My2024onnircle #nircleblogpost #hellonircle #neighbour #poetrychapbook #nirclepoetr...

Ask and it shall be given. Knock and it shall be opened. Seek and you shall find. I asked but was not given. I sought but found not. I knocked but it didn't open. Oh God, Thou art a Lost Cause! I thank God for ALL that He has done but more for ALL that He didn't do notheless my ceaseless askings. I asked for death, instead He gave Life. I sought for destruction, instead He gave me preservation. I knocked on the doorway to a chasm, pushing it hard but it was never opened. I was grieved and I...

Of their very kind, so they bind. After their very kind, so they become a bond. Man is mind. And mind is association. Thus, Like attracts its very Like. And a man, his very kind. Association is becoming. And mind is association. Thus, life is growth. And growth is the process of becoming. Becoming is the very product of our mindset; which is our very association. Thus, growth is the very product of our association. Show me your associates and I will tell you who you are. For Like attracts i...

Transforming poverty into power just by the simple word, diligence. Deligence in all you do. One who prays and does not understand the answers to their prayers is an insufferable fool. Look at a worker, hired and poor but all the while shirks from duty. He acts in such indiligent manners to convince his boss to increase his wages. Attracts him more fury upon himself through needless absenteeism. Instead of having much pay, he suffers a pay cut. And much more, a fire. We desire but don't unde...

Know THYSELF, For true power does not lie in knowing one's strength but in knowing one's weakness. Know THYSELF. The seasons when all is at its best, when little put in and out of place yields bountifully. Know THYSELF. Inorder to minimize strain and maximize success. For even the mind has its times and seasons as none is always sound in mind or all the times moody. Great folly lies in knowing others and neglecting oneself. For true knowledge lies in knowing oneself and true strength in k...

Heal the world, But to transform it through Love. Love, the cord that binds us together; Can transform dragons into lizards, Can freeze blazing flames and quench a wild fire. And hate, can transform Lizards into Dragons and ignite and Kindle fires in the midst of oceans. The same energy that set the families of Romeo and Juliet apart when transmuted can heal the world. The energies in the fury of the nations of the world at war with one another if transmuted can heal our entire human existenc...

Give it your best. Give in your best. For the best is not in the moments to come but at this very moment. For strength and beauty doesn't lie in reserve but in giving to work. Reserve be it in quality or quantity when not used is a liability and not an asset. The measure of the results to become is the measure of your inputs. Don't deny yourself the gift of being the very best at the moment. Many lead mediocre lives, not knowing how treasured they are. Put in your best and everything will be ...

If there is a phantom devised in the hearts of men, It's the phantom, "Unconditional Love." Mortality is sensory and moved by senses of sight, taste, hearing... God is LOVE [unconditional]. God is conditionally loved for His Omnipotence to meet our needs. What She says, "True Love", -"I love you"- Is your ability to meet her very needs, And to pay her bills. So it is with mortals. #poetry #My2024onnircle #nircleblogpost #hellonircle #neighbour #poetrychapbook #nirclepoetrycommuni...

Til the very end, Keep on, Hold on. Failure is not dismissal, but the inability to try again. Many quit too soon not knowing how close they were to success. A craven was found a chest. The Captain's chest. And full of treasure. And thought, had I that hammer made of Ivory which the carpenters, quarriers wield, the treasure would be mine. Striking upon the rock thrice, left, suffering muscle aches. And threw it away, "what a trash!" Then came the wayfarer on horse back. Wi...

Forsaken, yet Unshaken. Deserted but not in the desert. Keeping in sight, the light of the morrow. Yet in sorrow. As some moan on the moor. With wicks for weeks. And early morning dew rains on the few left. Forsaken, yet Unshaken. For sorrow is for the night. But the morrow is full of light. Two men looked from prison bars. One saw gold. The other saw mud. The way we perceive things. The way situations influence us. #poetry #My2024onnircle #nircleblogpost #hellonircle #neighbour #poetryc...

The way of knowledge, UNTRAILED. The road less travelled. Life is mortal, But knowledge is eternal. He who has knowledge shall prolong his life. And they who have it not, shall perish. In knowledge lies hope, strength and Life. For knowledge is light and light is Life. Knowledge is available for all but only a few have it. People trade folly and think to be wise. But a Wiseman becomes foolish to unlearn, learn and relearn. #poetry #My2024onnircle #nircleblogpost #hellonircle #neighbour #poe...

Within me, A Void. Of darkness, of light. I wander in wonder. In wandering the vast emptiness, T'was my wondering. I don't know myself, much less Thee. I can't unravel myself, much less Thee. The great vastness, emptiness, -The Soul- Within is Infinite. The mould of the Spirit within, speaks volumes of insight. To condemn, lighten, blot... The still small voice, The Lamp of the soul, to be the guide. The t...

"Know your Limits, then ignore them." For, "Success is never ending and Failure is never Final." Let go of whatsoever that makes you stop. For "Tough times never last but tough people do." Believe you can. Does it seem impossible? Impossible, I'm possible. An Enemy called average. For, "You are born original, why die a copy? Imitation is Limitation. #poetry #My2024onnircle #nircleblogpost #hellonircle #neighbour #poetrychapbook #nirclepoetrycommunity #notes #nirclestories #storyteller #quo...

Free indeed. To choose, to decide. But yet free. For the cobwebs that entangle. The witch that spells. The prison bars, doors that lock. The shackles and fetters for the feet that binds... I AM! Man is a beast headed for the chasm, without culture, tame, reform. Man is born a barbarian, weird, monster... Only culture and reform redeems him. Free indeed, yet free! The freedom yearned, fought for; so boasted of, Is the ability for the free to chose their very own chains of slavery, shackles, f...

LIFE, and exam. Theoretical, oral, practical, closed exams, open (book) exams, restricted, take home, multiple choiced exams, short answers exam, Long answer exams, Essay exams, Case study exams... We are the very questions and the very answers. The questions and answers lie in all of us; Our very actions and reactions to... Nature has infinite ways of coming to us to challenge us. To meet needs and to make decisions and choices. LIFE is an exam. We are the very questions and the very answers...

Within me, My WILL. At war with me. That old witch, wizard that I fear most is within. All goodness, evil, sin, righteousness...is within. The badluck, misfortune, fortune, luck...is all within. For attitude is everything; Everything thing there was, is and would ever be. Be it of good or of evil, good as well as evil. That witch, spell...is neither an enemy nor a stranger. But the the WILL within is everything. At war with me, My Will. Beware of none other than your very self. For We carry ...

Life is a school. We are the students. The Universe its University. The solar worlds whereon the feet tread, the classrooms. And we are the teachers of one another. The greatest of Teachers, that still small voice that muses, gives the foresight, insight... The very consult to awaken the soul. Every encounter is a moral lesson. From birth and unto death. LIFE is full of moral lessons to be learnt. The school of Life is the conduit for wisdom and awakening. Learning never ends. Life is mortal...

Life is a drama! God is the CREATOR. Our Choices and Decision the Orchestra; the destiny that ushers the preludes, interludes and postludes. LIFE is a drama! The solar systems wheresoever found the stage. And we are the very ARTISTES. The different moments of Life, the Seasons. Various occasions, encounters...the episodes. And everything in person, temperament, circumstances...has a role to play. That's the great design. Nothing is out of purpose. Everything howsoever evil as mispercerceived...

Thousands of years from now, the bones of our bodies will turn dust. Only our names may remain. What will you be known for? Remember the name to be! For the men who roamed the earth were, are and would ever be. Men who once lived. Of Mice and of Men. That did great things... History reckons... Nature applauds... Humanity acknowledges... These have become immortals. These are the immortals. The ranks are open... The seat are vacant... To thee, enjoin. The likes of Einstein, Edison, Dalton... ...

Let the children grow. The prayer of every parent. And Love encumbers. Too much of care. Spares the rod And Spoils the child. There are parents who overpamper, witholding discipline. Thus, waste every effort they put in place to make their children better off. Children need Space, Time and Patience to let them grow. For it might not happen for your children as you wish because of the trend of opportunities, economic level prevalent, child's temperament and competence. Most adults are childre...