Adeogun Joshua Mayokun
Member Since: 1 year ago

I am a beacon of love and light, Bringing hope and joy with all my might, My positivity shines like the sun, Impacting the world, one by one. My impact is felt in every corner, A true inspiration, a life transformer, I never forget the power I possess, And i use it to make the world a better place, no less. My love radiates from deep within, A guiding force, wiping away the tears, May I continue to spread this light, And guide others towards a life so bright. ©Joshr Mayor.

Thousand words I flashed back to my young days, Were my tears flourished night and day, And yet, I'm here again Still trapped under the cage, And couldn't run away. You took away my virginity, Only to exposed it on the rugged street. You wiped me with a heavy stick And made me begged on my knee From the crime I never commit. I mourn for months, For there's no more love, No more trust even from the love ones. I longs for joy, But happiness has been lost. My mouth has been shut, From saying a ...
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